Author Topic: Robert Sampson  (Read 8676 times)

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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2023, 01:13:43 AM »
Yes  ty  for that memorabilia.. Gervais drove him four times at the BigM that i can verify, at least   Also won with Gervais in Cali. and Chicago that I am aware of thru research.


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2023, 01:32:56 AM »
and the Samson Monti race fix whistle blow story mentioned back in '20 by kelso and emporer dapple

NY TIMES  MONTICELLO, N. Y., May 11, 1972 —Four men, were arrested by New York State Police late tonight for allegedly attempting to fix the Superfecta in the ninth race at Monticello Raceway.

The four were taken to the Ferndale (N. Y.) Barracks and were being questioned at a late hour by Norman Buck, chief investigator for the Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

The four suspects were Thomas Garafano, 24 years old, of 31 Southstone, Elmsford, N. Y., Donald Robert Brainard, 40, 395 East 45th Street, Brooklyn; Harold Allen Gillis, 25, R.D. 1, North. Sydney, Nova Scotia, and Stanley L. Stein of the Bronx, N. Y.

The Superfecta is a race in which the bettor attempts to pick the order of finish for‐the first four horses. Unlike an ordinary wager, a Superfecta ticket costs the bettor $3 instead of $2

Driver at Freehold

Garafano was licensed in New York as a driver last year and drove in five races at Monticello during the winter meeting. Presently he drives at Freehold Raceway in New Jersey.

Gillis is a former groom and has not been licensed by the New York Harness Racing Commission since 1969.

Gillis was the man identified by Robert Samson, the first driver approached in the alleged fix, as the man who paid him $500 with instructions to drive his horse, Bobbalou, “not to finish better than fifth in the field.”

Samson, a 23‐year‐old driver from Montreal, Quebec, first was approached on Wednesday night as he was sitting in the grandstand watching the eighth race on the program.

Early yesterday morning, Samson contacted Leon Greenberg, the track's president and general manager; Jacob Iberger, head of the track's security force; Vincent Bergamo, the presiding judge, and Ralph Swalsky, the track's racing secretary..

Later in the morning, Samson was again approached by two unidentified men who told him, “Forget it, we can't find the winner.”

By this time the track officials had alerted the State Police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Monticello Police Department.

Samson returned to his home. Again two unidentified men called on Samson and told him “the fix is on again.” Samson said he was told to meet Gillis and the other principals at Johnny's Restaurant on Route 17B, near the track.

Samson again informed Iberger of the development. Iberger told Samson, “Go ahead, take the money and see if you can find out if anybody else was taken care of for the race.”

Samson met Gillis at the appointed place and was told, “Follow me down the road about a quarter of a mile, and I'll give you the $500.” Samson did as he was told, got the money, then turned it over to Iberger back at the track. All this time, Samson was under the surveillance of Mike Bonney, a harness commission investigator.

With the money having been paid and the fix allegedly set, Iberger turned the money over to the State Police.

Inspeotor Buck and 10 other State Police officers; Lee Lowery, the F.B.I. agent in charge of the Catskill Region; Monticello's chief of police, Lou Yank, and track security police put a tight guard around the track when the race program began at 8:30.

The arrests were made at 11:35 when the ninth race went off by Buck and the other State Police officers. The four suspects were handcuffed and taken to Ferndale.

Inspector Buck said late last night that the four had been charged with bribery.

Samson drove his horse, Bobbalou, to victory in the onemile event in a time of 2:08.4. The owners are Morty and Barry Green of Montreal. Bobbalou paid $6.80, $4.60 and $3.40. The Superfecta, Numbers 5‐4‐6‐2, paid $5,024.10.

Test of Time Is 2d

Test of Time, driven by Albert Hanna, was second. Lucky Coin, driven by Richard Manzi, was third, and Young Native, driven by George Kovian, was fourth.

Robert A. Glaser, chairman of the New York State Harness Commission, said of the attempted fix and subsequent arrests, “This is a splendid example of coordinated law enforcement action.”

Greenberg said, “This entire action is evidence that horsemen have a strong desire and interest in keeping the sport honest. The majority of horsemen would act in the same commendable manner as Mr. Samson did.

“Horsemen are often vilified. I am proud of them and know that most horsemen would come forward to throw out the bad apples.”
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 01:41:47 AM by Jctoronto »


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2023, 03:12:37 AM »
Finding all these articles is fantastic and brings back a lot of memories. Back in the early 70s hearing about race fixing, as I recall, was much more common than drugging. I don’t remember when we started hearing a lot more about the chemists. Anyway I have trouble remembering a person’s name 5 minutes after meeting them but I absolutely recall Samson’s horse Bobbalou at MR. Does anyone know if any of the accused went to jail and what became of them? P.S. 2:08.4…lol


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2023, 08:19:46 AM »
Sure does  I can not believe no body here remembers the trainer from the 80s and 90s by the same name who used to race NY Metro circuit. Always shipped into YR from somewhere not stabled there. His stable was listed in French in the program as he owned most of them  "Ecurie Robert Samson"   He did not drive   

Was hoping u or Mike C, thorn, old guy  could verify


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2023, 09:56:05 AM »
Le Baron Rouge

Albert Bertrand was listed as the trainer in his later years, not sure who handled him earlier.  He won the 1980 Gold Cup with Ron Waples driving and is the 2nd oldest horse to ever win that race (he was 8 in 1980)!!

Also, here is a link to a 1980 Meadowlands program page (actually entire program, but you need to tab to the page below the main photo) and if you click on it, it will enlarge so you can see clearly...about 7 past performance lines in the Invitational at the Meadowlands with Samson driving:
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 10:11:38 AM by SeattleSlew »


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2023, 10:16:08 AM »
Bob Sampson Jr. is from Md./Del. and tried his hand at Saratoga years ago. I remember him as a nice young man trying to drum up some business for himself.


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2023, 10:42:08 AM »
Le Baron Rouge

Albert Bertrand was listed as the trainer in his later years, not sure who handled him earlier.  He won the 1980 Gold Cup with Ron Waples driving and is the 2nd oldest horse to ever win that race (he was 8 in 1980)!!

Also, here is a link to a 1980 Meadowlands program page (actually entire program, but you need to tab to the page below the main photo) and if you click on it, it will enlarge so you can see clearly...about 7 past performance lines in the Invitational at the Meadowlands with Samson driving:
Ty for the info.  So we have established that once Robert Samson arrived at the BigM he became LBRs regular driver and prvious to 1980 it was Bernard Gervais. Until last night I had not even heard of Bernard Gervais. Do you remember anything about him?


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2023, 12:11:46 PM »
and the Samson Monti race fix whistle blow story mentioned back in '20 by kelso and emporer dapple

NY TIMES  MONTICELLO, N. Y., May 11, 1972 —Four men, were arrested by New York State Police late tonight for allegedly attempting to fix the Superfecta in the ninth race at Monticello Raceway.

The four were taken to the Ferndale (N. Y.) Barracks and were being questioned at a late hour by Norman Buck, chief investigator for the Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

The four suspects were Thomas Garafano, 24 years old, of 31 Southstone, Elmsford, N. Y., Donald Robert Brainard, 40, 395 East 45th Street, Brooklyn; Harold Allen Gillis, 25, R.D. 1, North. Sydney, Nova Scotia, and Stanley L. Stein of the Bronx, N. Y.

The Superfecta is a race in which the bettor attempts to pick the order of finish for‐the first four horses. Unlike an ordinary wager, a Superfecta ticket costs the bettor $3 instead of $2

Driver at Freehold

Garafano was licensed in New York as a driver last year and drove in five races at Monticello during the winter meeting. Presently he drives at Freehold Raceway in New Jersey.

Gillis is a former groom and has not been licensed by the New York Harness Racing Commission since 1969.

Gillis was the man identified by Robert Samson, the first driver approached in the alleged fix, as the man who paid him $500 with instructions to drive his horse, Bobbalou, “not to finish better than fifth in the field.”

Samson, a 23‐year‐old driver from Montreal, Quebec, first was approached on Wednesday night as he was sitting in the grandstand watching the eighth race on the program.

Early yesterday morning, Samson contacted Leon Greenberg, the track's president and general manager; Jacob Iberger, head of the track's security force; Vincent Bergamo, the presiding judge, and Ralph Swalsky, the track's racing secretary..

Later in the morning, Samson was again approached by two unidentified men who told him, “Forget it, we can't find the winner.”

By this time the track officials had alerted the State Police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Monticello Police Department.

Samson returned to his home. Again two unidentified men called on Samson and told him “the fix is on again.” Samson said he was told to meet Gillis and the other principals at Johnny's Restaurant on Route 17B, near the track.

Samson again informed Iberger of the development. Iberger told Samson, “Go ahead, take the money and see if you can find out if anybody else was taken care of for the race.”

Samson met Gillis at the appointed place and was told, “Follow me down the road about a quarter of a mile, and I'll give you the $500.” Samson did as he was told, got the money, then turned it over to Iberger back at the track. All this time, Samson was under the surveillance of Mike Bonney, a harness commission investigator.

With the money having been paid and the fix allegedly set, Iberger turned the money over to the State Police.

Inspeotor Buck and 10 other State Police officers; Lee Lowery, the F.B.I. agent in charge of the Catskill Region; Monticello's chief of police, Lou Yank, and track security police put a tight guard around the track when the race program began at 8:30.

The arrests were made at 11:35 when the ninth race went off by Buck and the other State Police officers. The four suspects were handcuffed and taken to Ferndale.

Inspector Buck said late last night that the four had been charged with bribery.

Samson drove his horse, Bobbalou, to victory in the onemile event in a time of 2:08.4. The owners are Morty and Barry Green of Montreal. Bobbalou paid $6.80, $4.60 and $3.40. The Superfecta, Numbers 5‐4‐6‐2, paid $5,024.10.

Test of Time Is 2d

Test of Time, driven by Albert Hanna, was second. Lucky Coin, driven by Richard Manzi, was third, and Young Native, driven by George Kovian, was fourth.

Robert A. Glaser, chairman of the New York State Harness Commission, said of the attempted fix and subsequent arrests, “This is a splendid example of coordinated law enforcement action.”

Greenberg said, “This entire action is evidence that horsemen have a strong desire and interest in keeping the sport honest. The majority of horsemen would act in the same commendable manner as Mr. Samson did.

“Horsemen are often vilified. I am proud of them and know that most horsemen would come forward to throw out the bad apples.”

Great story. What a bunch of morons. Funny part is they all met a Johnny's. Johnny's was a strip joint about a half mile from the track. Apparently they didn't think this through. Bobbalou -- I too remember him well -- not a name you can forget. Thanks for the article.  As someone mentioned -- yes -- back then it was all about fixing races -- now it's all about the chemists.  Back then the drivers' ruled, now the chemists (trainers) rule. Better back then as far as I'm concerned -- less harmful for the horses and everybody had a fair chance -- even if you got stiffed now and then.


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2023, 12:24:17 PM »
Will the real Robert Samson/Sampson please stand up  73cv.2


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2023, 01:04:09 PM »
There were 4 as it was pointed out if you include Jr, from todays era


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2023, 02:17:53 PM »
There were 4 as it was pointed out if you include Jr, from todays era

Hey Fug, found a program from opening night at the Meadowlands, 1976 and Le Baron Rouge was in one of the races with Buddy Gilmour on him.  Jimmy Larente shows as his drive for his prior races, with Bertrand still as the trainer.

If you are interested, there are about 4 copies of the opening night program up on Ebay ($25-$75)...makes for fun reading.  The opening night invitational had Mirror Image, Shirley's Beau, Young Quinn, Nero, Jilley, Keystone Accent, Bullet Bluecrest, Rambling Willie, Peter Lobell and Momentum!!


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2023, 03:00:31 PM »
Hey Fug, found a program from opening night at the Meadowlands, 1976 and Le Baron Rouge was in one of the races with Buddy Gilmour on him.  Jimmy Larente shows as his drive for his prior races, with Bertrand still as the trainer.

If you are interested, there are about 4 copies of the opening night program up on Ebay ($25-$75)...makes for fun reading.  The opening night invitational had Mirror Image, Shirley's Beau, Young Quinn, Nero, Jilley, Keystone Accent, Bullet Bluecrest, Rambling Willie, Peter Lobell and Momentum!!
I appreciate this very much.  I remember seeing many different drivers on him. Also, recall, like many horses of the day he the whole equipment shop and was tangy gained, at least to me. But what a marvelous warhorse.

Just gor annoying when Comeonman said "Samson 100" the driver. Cause I knew LBR raced before that kid arrived. Not important. I am not worried about being right, just dont wanna feel like I am crazy - yet! LOL

Incidentally, my maternal grandfather was friends in some capacity with the owners of Mirror image. he used to bet him all the time when he would race in NY.

What great names from our days! WOW!

Saw a thing online where u can buy at auction a program cover of LBR winning a race at Hollywood in 1977 with Gervais driving from the 10 hole. Horses left and right of him in charge to the wire.

Any info on Gervais the driver beyond his association with LBR??  I draw a blank at his name.

old guy

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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #57 on: October 18, 2023, 03:50:38 PM »
Yes Bernie Gervais drove Le Baron Rouge as he was a bit difficult to manage . Yes Bobby Samson did drive in his black and white colors and long black hair, skinny guy. Yes he did rat out Stanley Stein and others at Monticello . Yes he did tragically die when striking a moose.


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2023, 05:01:38 PM »
Yes Bernie Gervais drove Le Baron Rouge as he was a bit difficult to manage . Yes Bobby Samson did drive in his black and white colors and long black hair, skinny guy. Yes he did rat out Stanley Stein and others at Monticello . Yes he did tragically die when striking a moose.
Thanks old guy.. Even watching grainy video you can see the horse is a bit all over the place, then he would fire in the stretch.


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Re: Robert Sampson
« Reply #59 on: October 19, 2023, 03:43:51 AM »
Thanks old guy.. Even watching grainy video you can see the horse is a bit all over the place, then he would fire in the stretch.

In 1977, at the age of 5, Le Baron Rouge won the American Pacing Classic, with Bernard Gervais listed as both driver and trainer with Paul-Henri Lavoee as owner.


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