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Didn’t slow them down any 3 wins and a second today
Pigland will investigate
MadDog Mattison listed now as trainer, rumor has it, infraction occurred at the Ridge.
BECKWITH, MELISSA WILTON, NY YOB 1970PRc on 6/15/2023 FINED: $1,000FULL - 90 DAYS, 11/8/2023 THRU 2/5/2024HORSE DISQUALIFIED - PLACED 8, PURSEREDISTRIBUTIONPOSITIVE TEST- POST RACE205 CMR 3.29 (1)(2)(2A)(3). On 6/30/2023 Industrial Labs reported to the Mass StateGaming Commission/Racing Division at PRC, two post race positive test results. Bothhorses raced on 6/15/2023 at PRC and were trained by Melissa Beckwith. The horseHUNTED HOUSE participated in Race 4 and finished 1st. The Certificate of Analysis,Sample E545473 showed Levamisole in the blood. In addition the horse PROBERTparticipated in Race 7, finished 2nd but was subsequently disqualified and placed 3rd forinterference. The report for Sample E545480 also showed Levamisole in the blood. Trainerof record Beckwith was notified of both findings and on 7/3/2023 exercised her right to asplit sample for both post race positive test results. Both split samples were sent toindependent lab Analytical Forensic Testing Labs of Chicago, IL for analysis and on8/24/2023 were returned confirming Levamisole in the blood. Subsequently trainerBeckwith requested that both post race samples be quantified for Levamisole. AnalyticalForensic Testing Labs conducted the analysis and on 10/25/2023 reported their findingsregarding both concentration and confidence levels. A hearing was conducted on 11/2/2023and as a result of all the facts presented trainer Melissa Beckwith is hereby fined the sum of$1,000.00 and is also issued a full suspension for a period of 90 days beginning 11/8/2023through and including 2/5/2024. Both mitigating and aggravating factors were used indetermining the penalty. The horse HUNTED HOUSE finished 1st and is disqualified andplaced last. The purse money $8,750.00 is hereby ordered forfeited and returned forredistribution. In addition the horse PROBERT finished 3rd and is disqualified and placelast. The purse money $3,000.00 is hereby ordered forfeited and returned for redistribution.Any trainer change must be approved by the board of Judges. Purse monies forfeited mustbe returned within 10 days of imposition and all fines are due within 48 hours of imposition.
The guy is a workaholic and he does one thing that 99 % of the trainers don't do. He constantly is getting new horses that fit classes and gets rid of the ones that don't. Plus his son is a very talented driver.
Workaholic. Brilliant trainer. Gets new horses that are clean. Fuck the classes. Gets rid of them when they are burnt out. Again stop with the fit the classes bullshit. He’s a fuckin cheat just like so many others.
how come mark cant use his own name?