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Great stat. That says it all doesn’t it?
They called it a niche sport. True, but had to laugh- that’s a new one.
What welfare bailout money are you referring to? Monmouth Park didn't get welfare bailout money. They got paid to NOT put VLT's at their racetrack. If a racetrack leases out space to a casino company for VLT's, slot machines, or a casino, is that welfare bailout money? I see it as a revenue source. If a casino, or anyone for that matter, wants to pay a track to NOT put in alternative gaming, that's not welfare bailout money, that's business. The moment decoupling is legal, a casino company that owns a racetrack will close that side of the facility. It's business. Highest and best use.As far as what I get if a venture fails, I will take whatever benefit is legal and offered to me. Tax deduction, credit, write-down, or even a benefit, like if I invest in a QOZ. Whatever I am entitled to, I will take it. That's what a capitalist does. Now if that money is optional and being redeployed from elsewhere, then I have a decision to make.
The day will come. The voters could care less about racing especially harness racing. The handouts could pay for roads, and bridges, and schools with less tax increases. PA has been close to doing this several times. The day will come. After that decoupling will be next. Ask yourself, if the handouts were put on the ballot, what would be the outcome?As a fan, I want to see the handouts end. Then the industry will have to offer a product people actually want to see and will support.It does not kill off the "agricultural sector" just racing. Maybe the price of food would come down as more land is available for the real "agricultural sector".https://edvoterspa.org/race-horse-development-fund/#:~:text=The%20Race%20Horse%20Development%20Fund,wealthy%20horseracing%20enthusiasts%20and%20hobbyists.http://www.kidsoverhorseracing.org/
Always thought about thisWhen Surick's seat got its hottest, did his regular Freehold driver's name ever get mentioned?I mean..if the instructions day after day, week after week, horse after horse, is to blast to the front, no worse than second, basically a pattern is established. A breakneck, heartpoundung 1/4 mile pattern.Were servis or navarros top jocks or Suricks Freehold front ender ever questioned quietly by authorities what they might of surmised OR is it 100000000% a trainer problem?Dont a top Freehold driver or t'bred jocks understand 'a pattern of instructions' could be problematic with similar scripts for many horses put under them or in front of them under harness.And I know answer to this is no but: are they ever liable as the animal's chauffeur for overhearing or interpreting instructions and not reporting strange patterned instruction to track management?I know we're living in an alternate universe to think any of that possible. But perhaps small suspensions or fines should start being levied against drivers or jocks if a trainer is suspended, maybe 10% of trainer's penalty, if there's proof they knowingly drove the animal with drugs in its system..I guess youd have to start adding a lie detector to the sample stall...i dont think thats gonna happen.But these are dangerous times..the game and its future teetering...no idea can get tossed easily.
The " kids over racing" link above says it all. Why in the world is Pocono Downs and Harrahs Philadelphia still racing while schools cannot afford computers, musical instruments, athletic supplies and uniforms, decent lunches, etc.Instead we see these juicer trainers and complicit owners raking in obscene purses while nobody bets these tracks because proven scumbage like Dean Eckley, Gareth Dowth. Marc Mosher, Darren Tanneyhill, and so on and so on stealing this money.Enough
Better question is. Where are the billions PA already gets from their portion of the casinos?
Easy the Breeders, trainers retirement fund, new paddocks at the track, obviously the built up of purses daily and stake program that for 15 plus years has seen money leave the state. Hanover Farms, Ron Burke, and Takter owners kindly thank the casino partnership
You are talking about the racing percentages. I’m talking about the PA government % they get every year from each casino. That was supposed to lower taxes and build better schools
Andy Miller was basically Suricks only driver at Freehold. Believe me he knew when the horses were juices and when they were not. He got NO accolades from me for his recent milestone wins. Another POS!