Agreed! How about the fact that he kept us out of war not to mention we had a great economy and low inflation!
You are a fool
TrumpUnemployment went to 6.7% .. Biden 3.9% now
Jobs down 2,8 Million
GDP down 4%
People w/o health insurance up 3,000,000
Trump inflation 7.6% .. Biden has it 3.3% now
Trade Deficit + $40 Billion
Illegal immigration exploded. Trump had a deal ready to go with Pelosi and Shumer in 2018. Instead he went with his "Shithole Countries" pitch to his racist base.
Trump didn't start any new wars. Neither did any U.S. president since the 1950's other than G HW Bush.
But, Trump left the Afghanistan exit for Biden to do. It was bad but that's what it was going to be.
Trump tried to sell US aid to Ukraine for dirt on Biden. How'd that work out?
Trump raised the fuck out of my taxes, limiting SALT deduction to $10,000. But he didn't hurt his low cost of living area uneducated base with that.
Trump also set a record for increasing the deficit. YOUR children will pay.
As an aside, I sold a modest house in Oak Bluffs for $1,600,000 this year that I paid $450,000 ($550,000 all in) for less than 10 years ago, so just that, pretax, has me up $850k with Biden.
I'm better off, yes.