Author Topic: 700 million for this often hurt player DODGERS HAVE RUINED PROFESSIONAL SPORTS  (Read 5313 times)

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  • Stakes Horse
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2024 LA Dodger bleacher seat: $500


  • Stakes Horse
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1.) The winning team in a World Series picks up $35mm EXTRA dollars.  The losing team picks up about $25mm
2.) The Dodgers have the highest attendance in MLB at 3.8mm approx.  Their stadium could handle about 650,000 more.  If they only increase average home attendance back to their 2019 level, they will pick up 81 x 2500 x $165 (which is 81 games, 2500 more fans/game at the average ticket price of $165.)  That works out to $33mm dollars
3.) As Mike noted, the merchandise sales are HUGE Worldwide.. don't know the exact $$ involved.
4.) A top DH with his stats would command $30mm/year.  If he can pitch for 5 or 6 of his 10 years at a high level, that would be worth another $20-25mm/year.  Also, if he can both pitch and hit, he effectively frees up a roster spot that would be taken by another starter or offensive player.
5.) The deferrals bring the present value down of his contract to $57mm/year.

THIS MOVE HAS NOT RUINED PROFESSIONAL SPORTS, and will almost certainly turn out to be a good move for the Dodgers financially.



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they needed to add an arm as Kershaw not the same pitcher

that said, they have huge revenue streams, they can afford it

Locked in with pace

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I for one certainly don't understand what the business of sports has turned into in order to pay a player $700 million. I don't care if it's over ten years or twenty. Will our grandchildren be talking about this guy like we talk about Ruth? Mantle? Mays? Rose? Even if he goes down as one of the ten greatest players of all time -- and I for one don't think he's near there yet -- this is what the world, the business of sports, has become?

He's done what he's done for what, five years? Six? Seven? OK, I get it, he hits and pitches. Sure, he's the pink unicorn, but $700 million? Is he going to impact a game, the season, a team, the game itself to justify that? I've heard him called the most talented baseball player in the history of the game. However, how much of an impact that title -- and this player -- make?

This is the largest player contract in the history of professionals team sports. It's the largest in all of professional sports. Based upon today's dollars, how much would Ali have been paid? In today's dollars, and he's not far off his prime, what about Cristiano Ronaldo? Lionel Messi? He allegedly got $674 million, but even that is a bit distorted as it was still tied to endorsements and endorsement dollars. I know crap but I said no way was Patrick Mahomes worth $450 million. 

I spoke with a friend of mine who is a sports agent, and he said this number was far bigger than even professionals expected. It was almost twice as big as the next best free agent deal. While he told me LA is the team best positioned to maximize and leverage his value, image, marketing, and so on, however, at the end of the day there is still the series of questions -- how much are they going to make on him? How much is he actually going to win you, for you, etc.? Is this guy a commodity that can generate revenue, ticket sales, merchandise, and so on like Magic, Bird, Shaq, even more an MJ, or LeBron, and others, and be the cultural icon of a Messi or Ronaldo

Two major elbow surgeries? Taking him out to age 39 (yes, the contract had to be structured that way)? I get that a lot of the money is "deferred" and that can mean a lot. My friend said the "real" value could be as low as $40mm a year, but at the end of the day, somehow $700 million becomes a real number. Even if you get a discount, that $700 million could have been on your side of the ledger.

I guess in the end, when does the number reach $1 billion? Does the player become more "valuable" or more "expensive" than the team?
You're right on the money but how much does he bring to the table in terms of world wide revenue for the Dodgers?

Grandstand Handicapper

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You're right on the money but how much does he bring to the table in terms of world wide revenue for the Dodgers?

I don't know, how much? $1 billion? For the Dodgers? I can see this guy generating massive endorsement revenue, for himself! But for the Dodgers? $1 billion? From what? Selling jerseys? Bats? Helmets? Season tickets? Is a corporate sponsor going to sign on for major money because of him? To have their name and product seen in the ballpark all season? My sports agent said for this athlete, himself, personally, the sky could be the limit, if he strikes now, moves fast, gets some real substance out in the marketplace (he said like the "Just do it" campaign or the "Bo knows" campaign), but for the Dodgers, it's a different sell and marketplace. If I were American Express, I'd be quicker to pay him than the Dodgers. But, that's just me, I don't know crap about the sports business...I am just looking to make money from horses, LOL.


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I don't know, how much? $1 billion? For the Dodgers? I can see this guy generating massive endorsement revenue, for himself! But for the Dodgers? $1 billion? From what? Selling jerseys? Bats? Helmets? Season tickets? Is a corporate sponsor going to sign on for major money because of him? To have their name and product seen in the ballpark all season? My sports agent said for this athlete, himself, personally, the sky could be the limit, if he strikes now, moves fast, gets some real substance out in the marketplace (he said like the "Just do it" campaign or the "Bo knows" campaign), but for the Dodgers, it's a different sell and marketplace. If I were American Express, I'd be quicker to pay him than the Dodgers. But, that's just me, I don't know crap about the sports business...I am just looking to make money from horses, LOL.
I see your point. I was thinking if the Dodgers were involved with any TV contracts with Asia,  kind of crossed my mind. Good luck with your horses.

Wild bull

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Hey asshole you midget fuck this has shit to do with harness racing if u had half a brain you'd know that they have a sports forum on here go post this crap over there pile of shit


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they needed to add an arm as Kershaw not the same pitcher

that said, they have huge revenue streams, they can afford it
I agree they need pitching so do the Yankees!


  • Stakes Horse
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Draft kings offered me max 25 bet on dodgers to win it all at increased odds from +550 to is last day to get that boost.

Grandstand Handicapper

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I see your point. I was thinking if the Dodgers were involved with any TV contracts with Asia,  kind of crossed my mind. Good luck with your horses.

Thanks. That's true. I have no idea who "owns" the rights to broadcast the games, but if they start selling broadcast rights or however it works, somebody could be making a lot of money on that. It's either the team or MLB.


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Thanks. That's true. I have no idea who "owns" the rights to broadcast the games, but if they start selling broadcast rights or however it works, somebody could be making a lot of money on that. It's either the team or MLB.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the Dodgers negotiations in the front office.


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I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the Dodgers negotiations in the front office.

most of the money is deferred to 2034    hes only getitng 2 mill a yr


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most of the money is deferred to 2034    hes only getitng 2 mill a yr
I heard the same thing but I also heard there was a little controversy around that.


shout out

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