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Hear is the one thing you are all missing. Did Gural make the comment on camera? Did he make it on radio? Did he make it in a large group of people where he could be overheard? NO! He made it to a bonehead reporter. Now we all know that the media can write or say anything they want. They can mis quote 100% and nothing happens. Donald Trump is mis quoted in the media. He even says crazy shit in the media and guess what? You can't sue for defamation. It's one person's opinion and that's it. Just because I tell Generation XYZ that Ron Burke uses EPO it doesn't give Ron Burke the right to sue for defamation. I don't care if Generation XYZ posts it on every forum in the universe "Harnessfan2023 said Ron Burke uses EPO" it doesn't mean shit.All Howard Taylor is going to do is open a huge can of worms and cause a whole mess of problems for a lot of other people. His racing days are finished and he's hitting the pannic button because he has no income as a lawyer. He's already out looking for trainers who will testify for him and I can assure you anyone who is dumb enough to testify for him will be hung at the stake. Testifying for him will only purger themselves at a later date.Oh BTW the article that supposedly is the cause of all this was taken down within 12hrs after the post. Probably because of a mis quote or discrepancy. So you want to get 12 people on a jury to award you millions of dollars in damages for something that was up for 12hrs and you can't prove Gural said? Good Luck on this one!
You would have to search the world to find a bigger bunch of morons than are on this thread. You 🤡 clowns keep saying that Howard Taylor purchased performance enhancing drugs . Where is the proof ? I guess on here you can say anything about anybody but in real life there has to be proof. Receipts , Cancelled checks, Billing statements. Have any of you half wits seen any of these things ? The answer is no. Do you imbeciles really think he would sue Gural if Gural had proof that he purchased EPO ? Newsflash ! There is no proof because he never purchased or distributed anything of any kind.
Hear is the one thing you are all missing.... Testifying for him will only purger themselves at a later date.
Later that day, Gural was quoted in Thoroughbred Racing News saying that Taylor “had to be giving EPO [Epogen] to his trainers to use and not a single trainer picked up the phone and said I have an owner who wants me to use EPO on his horses.”That statement was untrue. No facts, in either the Meadowlands press release or the article, supported the claim that Taylor ever gave Epogen to any of his trainers or that Taylor ever instructed any trainer to use Epogen on his horses.
Just got confirmation right from the source so I’ll say it again for the millionth time. There is no proof or evidence that Mr Taylor purchased or distributed any kind of performance enhancing drug. You people can quote any source that you want No proof No evidence that anything like this occurred. Gural can keep Howard Taylor out of his races At the Meadowlands. Hambletonian Society and New Jersey sire stakes Mr Gural can whistle Dixie, he has no control to stop anybody from racing in those races. Whatever you people think Howard Taylor purchased, there is no proof that it was anything illegal. We don’t live in China We don’t live in Russia , in our country there has to be proof. A bunch of blowhards shooting their mouths off on Horseplop does not constitute proof.
we need Mike P on this
You people make me laugh , New York Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana , Maryland, Kentucky all have no problem with Howard Taylor but you automatically assume that what Gural says is the gospel. Fuck that list , the man says he never bought or distributed EPO . Let’s see the proof , not some Meadowlands made up list that one of Gural’s homo subordinates printed out . A lot of people on here have been talking about the federal government and the FBI , but I haven’t heard that Mr Taylor was charged with any crimes. If he did what Gural says he did wouldn’t he have been charged with some kind of crime ? But not charged with anything, why would that be ? I’ll tell you why, because the guy didn’t break any laws .
Here’s another newsflash ! Most horsemen could care less if they race at Meadowlands, they race two nights a week with trackmaster and amateur races dominating the cards. The money’s better at Yonkers and you don’t have to deal with a piece of garbage like Gural.
Hey genious - In howard's OWN court filing they admit it wasn't EPO. They say "peptide mimtetic specifically designed to be like EPO" So you made something to look and act like epo but not test. Either way you slice it that's a PED and you ordered it and used it. You specifically used something you knew would not test and that's a conspiracy. Howard is about to get himself indicted with his stupid defammation suit. He's going to hang himself.