Author Topic: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.  (Read 4744 times)

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Know a lota of posters who say their trainers or owners and they care about their ponies say, teeth care is a very important component to a healthy horse. I would agree. A pony with a tooth ache might run terrible.
But this post ain't about ponies. This about posters includin one JOHN FRANK ARMY. Too beee continue....


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Youuse peoples knows JOHN FRANK ARMY worked for a DENTIST for years. He a rich boy who owned a gigantic horse farm down across the road in BARRINGTON HILLS from RICHARD L. DUCHIWEEW. He also owned a big property acrea wise horse farm he gave to his daughters. He barned horses for others and his daughters. Pasture is unbelievable. Makes money and his daughters on their proberty have a huge indoor trainin facility for jumpers,equestrian. They get all the RICH fucs that want their sons and daughters to learn. Quite a business in this neck of woods. Too continue.


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Me DENTIST that I traded work for DENTAL a cocky fuc. And I did plenty of work in exchange for DENTAL. His home alone on proberty has 12 bedrooms. Did work over years for his daughters homes. I would charge $40.00 a hour. When I did work for his daughters and that 3 of them,he would charge them for the work done. Shrew business man or for GOD'S sake. So I did work for over 20 years in exchange. I thought he did me MOUTH good durin that time. Put in expensive permenent bridges 3 of them. He called me all the time. One of his daughters grew potent weed on proberty. JOHN come over and smoke this SHIT. I always declined ,since I have not touched the shit since I was last at 29 after 7 years. CONTINUEIN again...


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So lets kinda sum this up,I hope. Me dentist last year tells me me mouth a wreck. I say's what the FUC you talkin about. Just last year with X-rays you said me in perfect shape. I say's how can me deteriote in 12 months. He goes and says it can happen. Then he goes,I no work on PEOPLES TEETH after the age of 75. He safe,me 76. ME like to turn him in for home grown weed,but I never RAT on anyone. And BARRINGTON HILLS anyhoy caters to their RICH. Also, he inherited from his DAD, UNCLE, AUNT and never shared a penny with others. QUIT the HUMAN BEIN. Will continue to toothless PLOPSTERS.


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So's here want I want to say to you younsters. When you young your teeth can remain in great shape. I'm now going to a dental school and also a outside dentist that takes me $3750.00 insurance for everythin. POINT is boys: I get you mock toothless people and you can at your age. Me recomendation at your age is go visit your dentist 2 times a month. YOU won't though and as you mock toothless SCM,at his age you will be in same predicament.
I'm gonna be fine in 12 months. Just a word of warnin.


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I went to the dentist 2 times a year my whole life, at 64 my teeth are in pretty good shape but I have 2 recent problems. I have 2 teeth that need major work 2650.00 each. I am going in to start the first one next Tuesday.
Thank god for cc's, its getting charged to plastic.
Also the last 2 years I grind my teeth at night, my 2 front teeth are chipped, now I wear a mouth guard at night when I sleep.


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I went to the dentist 2 times a year my whole life, at 64 my teeth are in pretty good shape but I have 2 recent problems. I have 2 teeth that need major work 2650.00 each. I am going in to start the first one next Tuesday.
Thank god for cc's, its getting charged to plastic.
Also the last 2 years I grind my teeth at night, my 2 front teeth are chipped, now I wear a mouth guard at night when I sleep.

Bitter Truth

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 You and that demented old tard make a nice couple.


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Of all the places I think of going to for medical, dental, or financial advice, Horseplop would be near the bottom of the list.  I’m not sure anything on this site is factual, certainly a lot of people that got opinions, kind of like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.

The best health care is prevention both dental and medical.  Brush your teeth and floss.  Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.  Don’t drink soda by the gallon or sugar by the pound.  See a dentist once or twice a year depending on your dental health, get your teeth cleaned, get X-rays at least every 2-4 years depending on your history.

You won’t die if you have to gum your food but you will look like an old goat.  Dental health just like health in general can change over time, how well you maintain it, and what your diet and home care is like.  Or as someone says “just pull em”……and look like all the other MAGA’s out there.


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The price is 9595.00 because I am having other work done. I am retired and not independently wealthy, besides Biden's economy has most people sucking wind. Most elites are doing splendidly and are looking down their nose at the little people like me.
There is nothing wrong with financing expensive dental work, in fact the dentist offered financing but at a higher rate than my Navy Federal cc.
This has nothing to do with being a bustout, my last wager on horse racing was in 2017.


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Re: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2024, 03:00:08 AM »
Of all the places I think of going to for medical, dental, or financial advice, Horseplop would be near the bottom of the list.  I’m not sure anything on this site is factual, certainly a lot of people that got opinions, kind of like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.

The best health care is prevention both dental and medical.  Brush your teeth and floss.  Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.  Don’t drink soda by the gallon or sugar by the pound.  See a dentist once or twice a year depending on your dental health, get your teeth cleaned, get X-rays at least every 2-4 years depending on your history.

You won’t die if you have to gum your food but you will look like an old goat.  Dental health just like health in general can change over time, how well you maintain it, and what your diet and home care is like.  Or as someone says “just pull em”……and look like all the other MAGA’s out there.

I think teeth also are affected by DNA. if your family has dental problems its likely you will regardless.
During my life I have gotten a dental checkup and x-rays every 6 months. I floss 10 - 20 times a day, use a water pick and an electric toothbrush. Some of my family already had implants at my age. I don't smoke or eat sugar of any type nor soda, I can't I'm diabetic.
You should consider yourself lucky, your family DNA passed on some good genes.
Health has absolutely nothing to do with political affiliation, ala the MAGA comment.


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Re: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2024, 10:16:30 AM »
My magnifyin glass as last resort ain't workin that good.
CAN'T see. Glad to see your usin that NAVY whatever. That a good program. And peoples don't get,that retired have a hard time payin expensive DENTAL WORK.
JOHN FRANK ARMY gettin it done. That DNA SHIT might be true. Me DAD died at 40 so there no history there. Me MOM had all ranked at 30 because of a GUM issue. Don't know about grandparents,But you genes are more comparible to them. If that the case: ME FRANK GRANDPA died at 68 from massive HART-O-TACK. Although he sired 22 kids. ME 2 and aborted. I'M eaitin for the MASSIVE. Although MEDS do help. Again I'm spendin me time between DENTIST SCHOOL and regular dentist. Me last appointment at DENTAL school they went can't do anythin ,you blood pressure to high. And the previous one. We can.t give you full NOVO. It raises your BLOOD PRESSURE. So I'M sufferin NERVE PAIN for a root canal for 3 hours. And then they fuc up and next appointment has to do the whole thin all over again. They goes,don't go to a experienced qualified DENTIST or we might have to redo everythin.I goes all the time with me insurance. The guy root canals teeth the shool says needs pullin. I'm workin both ends. These young kids don't get it. If they retire,they will see how costly DENTAL WORK can be. And you need to get it done. BAD TEETH=a BAD HEART.

Nothin against you REAP. But I knows you retired MILITARY. I also knows unless you got 100% disa,you goin to a private dentist.
I think me done.


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Re: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2024, 11:21:07 AM »
Kantseeback….genetics (DNA) influence many things.  Your diabetes affects your teeth as all diabetics heal slower, sucks to put up with, hope it’s well controlled.  John Frank, Novocain as a dental anesthetic hasn’t been used in 50 years.  Today it’s lidocaine primarily ( though Septocaine is used now a lot ) both with and without epinephrine.  It’s epinephrine that raises blood pressure not lidocaine.  Hopefully you are on good hypertensives.

I do get free dental care, from my friends and the person who took over my practice, it’s a good benefit.


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Re: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2024, 01:23:18 PM »
Kantseeback….genetics (DNA) influence many things.  Your diabetes affects your teeth as all diabetics heal slower, sucks to put up with, hope it’s well controlled.  John Frank, Novocain as a dental anesthetic hasn’t been used in 50 years.  Today it’s lidocaine primarily ( though Septocaine is used now a lot ) both with and without epinephrine.  It’s epinephrine that raises blood pressure not lidocaine.  Hopefully you are on good hypertensives.

I do get free dental care, from my friends and the person who took over my practice, it’s a good benefit.

Thanks Reaper, my blood sugar is under control through pills and my A1C is 6.4, very good. Like JF I also have high BP but am on meds and that's under control too. You are extremely lucky to get that free dental, the prices are through the roof.
I have a dental plan that I pay for monthly, but it covers x-rays and cleaning and a discount on other procedures, but they are still high priced.
The dentist I am going to does excellent work, so I want to keep going to him regardless.


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Re: Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2024, 03:54:04 PM »
I'm losin me VISION. Just a suggestion. I assume your over 65. Switch to a MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN.Mine offers $3700.00 for allmajorwork with no fefutible. Compine that with that NAVY thin and you will not be payin anythin. Provided of course you ain't havin every tooth implanted.
You killin me REAP. YOOOSSEES was a DENTIST.


shout out

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