J'6 hostages should all be released immrditially. We get it with them signs behind you. He said it again: Any person that ABUSES a WOMEN,I will have SHOT. OH BROTHER. There he goes: I will make HEALTH CARE the best ever. Where have we heard that before. And the CRAZY FUCS screamin,USA,USA,USA. There he goes again. My indickments ain't about me. It's YOU. Know the FUC talkin about real hero's.except HIM the FUCKIN DRAFT DODGIN COWARD. What A joke this DRAFT DODGIN POS .
HERE he goes: DRILL BABY DRILL. HE goin our TANKS need GAS. Got news for DRAFT DODGIN BOY. WARS ain't fought with TANKS anymore. And look at the SLOPS behind you. They like you. I ain't goin go in SERVICE just like you. Even if they tried they lookin at them would be GIRLY WASHOUTS like you FAT SLOP. THere you go. 91 felonies against me are FAKE NEWS. I have done NOTHIN WRONG ever. USA a JOKE accordin to 91 felony boy. Hows that readin off MONIKER goin. GONNA EXECUTE every DRUG DEALER. OK,HOWS bout startin with JR. And he carryin on. YOU elect me: You save ME FROM GOIN TO PRIZON. You really need a SNIPER somewhere nearby ZEROIN .