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WE have gone thru this before. A person with ASTHMA can not perform any physical duties. That a LEGITIMATE REJECTION. A person who has a BAD TOE can serve. BUT DONALD asked DADDY: PLEASE I KNOW WANT TO SERVE. DADDY, BULLETS and MORTER FLYIN. PLEASE DADDY,GET ME OUT. I want to hang with EPSTEIN while others are DYIN.
So.s me JOHN FRANK ARMY watchin FOX and FRIENDS this mornin. Got some thins to say. (10 NEW commercial about FAT SLOPS,the DRAFT DODGER life. The fat SLOP now a PITCHMAN. Read me book he spoutin,you can buy it at 45 books .com. Do the book contain his DRAFT DODGIN DAYS. First it a FREE GOLD COIN and know he MIKE LINDELL. Is next up a sale of A autograph pillow by FAT SLOP.(2) WHAT with MIKE HUCABEE. With that name he should have a BEE HIVE business sellin honey. But NO. HE pitches to young kids: GET the free small book of DONALD the DRAFT DODGERS life for you kiddies. Am I wrong here. AIN't the REBUGS totally against SWAYIN KIDS with books that they claim are BULLSHIT. And one last thin: LAWERANCE and his BREAKFAST CLUP daily shows. How these people put up with his leanin over and face in their FOOD. IF,JOHN FRANK ARMY at a place: Don;t come near me CHOW while I'M eatin and be spewwin SPIT all over it. Forgot: REBUGS say you get a disease it the natural order of thins. We don't take any preventive shots. The shots will kill you and if we catch sumthin, IT up to GOD weather we live or die. Thank you MOSES and HENRY the 8th.