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I can't help but laugh at the scholars that claim President Trump is going to prison. What the fuck is the Secret Service going to do share the crapper with him in the cell.... use your fucking head idiots! Get this through your dumb fucking liberal heads, the left wants President Trump in prison because they know he's going to be your next president it's the only way out!
Trump has zero chance of ever being president again. A large number of people hate him and the media will do what ever it takes to make sure he cannot get elected.The republicans must find another candidate before it is too late.
Holy fk a rational thinker on the board. The left projects everything they do on Trump, straight out of their playbook and its in the wikileaks files.Enjoy the Show!!!
My fear is that he will get a limo ride through downtown Dallas by his opponents.
That has crossed my mind. I always wondered if that was Oswald that actually did the shooting.
The driver William Greer shot him. William Cooper vid shows the unedited Zapruder film an the driver turning around an shooting him. He read it straight form Naval Intelligence Reports. Corroborated in the book The Last Circle by Cheri Seymour where Booth Nichols was interviewed(Wackenhut) an he showed her same film that he got from Clint Murchison owner of the Cowboys that showed the same thing.All orchestrated by the CIA and just so happens George HW Bush was there. they ha multiple teams in place to make sure job got done all with the blessing of the Queen who signed off on it.
It's A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma