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I know a trainer that walked a ringer into the piss stall at Monti and got away with it.
Can someone explain the chain of custody on post race samples how do recreational or prescripton drugs get into samples?I read about grooms or others peeing in stalls? How does that get in the samples?
this is how it happens very simple the under the influence groom pees in stall, The said horse ignores the fe ed bucket, the flakes of hay, and gobbles up the tainted urine in the bedding that they have shittin and pissin in, that ran through the human, result ,,positive. simple
It's not contamination. Unless the dirt ball groom is putting it in the horses mouth or Into their system somehow. But I'd have to think that Trainers are not that dumb to try meth. I hope they are smarter than that. Also could be someone in the test barn.
It was some time back but I read or heard that almost ALL paper money when swabbed tests positive for cocaine.
A horse won't go near that contaminated bedding if they are properly fed.
Don’t know about that as some trainers claimed the horses ate bushels of sawdust a day.