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As a next door neighbor to NH (Maine), i can tell you with much confidence that in a Biden/Trump match up in NH, it will result in a Biden win. Independent's will break 75/25 for anyone running against Trump. Same here in Maine. The only thing that could save Trump in states where large amounts of "Indies" reside is if RFK Jr. is on the ballot. A large GOP turnout and the 3rd party candidadte could siphon enough votes to allow a victory for Trump.
Another huge loss for Trump today at the EJ Carrol trial today. Trump’s big mouth, full of lies, again gets a major haircut in the amount of $83 million dollars. Of course Trump is blaming Joe Biden and the crooked people, including the judge, in NYC. This is just a warmup to the probable $350 million verdict he will experience in the other NYC case which may also include the inability to ever do business in NY again. Ok MAGA lovers how will you be spinning this? Trump is going through money like a 95 year old person goes through Depends.
Gagoots you are officially pacing sideways in the stretch.It took you almost 24 hours to come up with an answer on the Fed and treasury heads. Did you have to consults Fox (Hannity) and Newsmax (Baier), for the answer, because they control how you think by keeping you angry about every aspect of life. And for allowing yourself to be a constantly angry and making sure you have a foil to vent your anger at, you are termed a “patriot!” And this is reinforced every day by watching. “Their coming for me but there really coming for you!” A horrible way to go through life! But last I looked it’s still a free country and you are entitled to your opinion, so be angry! Also remember, the Biden administration is going to take away your gas stove, pickup and hamburgers!
You are one dumb shit. I told you already, I'm voting for Manchin. I'm thrilled with the economy and it is showing every sign right now of no landing and powering on, right through 2024. Biden needs to be in a nursing home and Trump has been a criminal EVERY DAY of his adult life.
Gaagoots you are delusional if you think Trump’s VP choice will have any effect on the electorate. First we all know the only function a Trump VP has is to stand next to Trump with a big roll of toilet paper. The only reason Trump has a VP is just in case he drops dead so someone else can take over. Other than that his VP plays no role whatsoever in how Trump decides on anything including which fast food place to order from. Second even if you are correct that a President has nothing to do with the economy, the electorate’s #1 motivation is based on how the economy is doing. Unfortunately for you and other MAGAs is our economy is strong, inflation is calming down and the stock market is booming. You will see how Biden will use this to his advantage as the campaign heats up. And Trump has said he hopes the market tanks so he can take the credit if it rebounds while he is President. This is your boy hoping you lose your ass before the election. This is why Trump is such a piece of crap. He doesn’t give a shit about you and your family.
Gagoots, you are just posting away repeating yourself and cursing insulting posters… can you not control yourself! “Fugettaboutit!” At this rate you won’t have time to donate money to Trump or buy Trump hats flags etc, from one of the many companies his offspring own selling Trump merchandise, all made in China by the way! Remember to send him money, supposed billionaires need money. And remember the Trump 2024 flag makes a great spear if altered to use against Rhino’s and others who may not agree with you. See MAGA manual for instructions which you can also buy from the Trump Merchandise Companies owned by his children. Good luck to you….PATRIOT,! don’t forget to be ready to buy the next round of trading cards that should be available shortly after today’s court ruling! You label everybody who doesn’t agree with you, so here’s my label for his supporters, “Trumps Chumps.”
Gaagoots, sorry to tell you Trump has zero chance to carry Maine. Not without a 3rd party candidate on the ballot. Maine is the east coast version of California. Except for 2nd amendment issues. Lot's of liberal hunters here!
Just keep the mis-information coming. The Trump tax cuts we were told by him and his people would pay for themselves and GDP would hit the highest numbers ever with the greatest economy ever. What we got was an 8 trillion dollar deficit the highest ever by any administration. The rich and large corporations got the tax breaks and it was supposed to trickle down to the working class and it never does. It gives more money to the mega donors to accumulate more wealth and control GOP policy by the power there big money donations have. Biden wants to raise taxes on corporations and those making over $400K a year. I highly doubt this will affect you. Not to many Gagoots out there making $400K a year! You have drank so much of their koolaid, that it’s possible the sugar gave you diabetes and it has affected your brain function. If that’s not it then you got some real issues Gagoots. My fear for you is that you will actually follow Trump 101% to your own personal detriment and blame the people who don’t agree with you for the damage you will do to yourself. It’s like a suicide mission. I await your next bullet point(s) from the office of the 45th president of the United States from the bullshit compound in Palm Beach, Florida.