Author Topic: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.  (Read 2866 times)

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I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« on: February 19, 2024, 04:54:11 PM »
Checkin out some great GERMAN SHEPARDS. Gotta learn what they like to munch on besides sickin REBUGS.
(!} JOHN FRANK ARMY posts in prober cayegory because he been around since inception.
(2) This to you:I CAN'T SEE. I saw and read your constant posts in a wrong category.....Too be continued. 


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 05:04:09 PM »
I,m Disagreenin with a few of your posts. I get your expertise havin been in REAL ESTATE for all those years.
JOHN FRANK ARMY on the other side. TRUMP DRAFT DODGIN POS STIFFED CONTRACTORS and smaller types that worked for him.
(3) Lets start with the smallers. He negleged to pay them a honest wage and overtime.
(4) Small time contractors, that he constantly STIFFED. HIS wat of gettin around that be: The work was shappy ,even though it EXCELLENT. ....TOO be continued.


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 05:20:30 PM »
(4) JOHN FRANK ARMY was in the PAINTIN BUSINESS for 37 years. He never advertized. He was the BEST anyone ever daw. All his work came from referals. And I worked for RICH and POOR. And the poor I took a loss leader. Charged them money and did not break even. But I paid me help their good wage.
(5) NOW in me time I was STIFFED by RICH peoples maybe 10 to 12 times. A couple times I just went. What the FUC you talkin about. You,meanin me writes the estimate on what gonna be done. 2 times late in job,I after have done 90% of work I just said,FUC YOU,I'LL eat the loss rather than continue with your nonsencese. ,....TOO BEE continued.


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2024, 05:30:31 PM »
(6) SO these are the RICH LOADED. 8-10 JOBS after all work completed.The fucks refused to pay. It their SCAM. Imagine you loaded and refuse to pay. They goes take me to court. They knows they coyycha. Your the supposidley SAP. Youuse got to go and file against them. That costs $500.00 and then A trial date. Even if you win,You gotta wait until the homeowner CROAKS ,and then you got a LIEN on proberty and you should get all money due. If you meanin me dies first goodby anythin. And your out the $500.00 to begin with. .....Too be continued.


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2024, 05:42:53 PM »
IN THAT DRAFT DODGIN POS TRUMP. HIM people would always take every CONTRACTOR to court. He would say the WORK was SHIT. the poor contractor don't have the MOOLA to fight back. They just give up. THE FUC TRUMP DRAFT DODGIN POS WINS. But the POS ain't anymore.
That FAT POS now gotta come with almost 600 MILLION CASH. When he appeals HE still have to put that moola up.
That why you seein the DRAFT DODGIN POS sellin GOLD lookin shoes for $500.00 and COLONGE and PERFUME for $100.00 a POP. And I might ADD; IF that COLONGE and PERFUME ain't disquissins his WRETCHED BO,Only a MAGA DUMP ASS would buty the SHIT. THE FAT FUC in trouble. He no got the MONEY he BRAGS about. And the sweatin PIG worried he needs JR. to provide him with CRACK and JR. goin: DAD I'M broke. Got nooes cash to purchase from me dealer.


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2024, 05:44:54 PM »
I,m Disagreenin with a few of your posts. I get your expertise havin been in REAL ESTATE for all those years.
JOHN FRANK ARMY on the other side. TRUMP DRAFT DODGIN POS STIFFED CONTRACTORS and smaller types that worked for him.
(3) Lets start with the smallers. He negleged to pay them a honest wage and overtime.
(4) Small time contractors, that he constantly STIFFED. HIS wat of gettin around that be: The work was shappy ,even though it EXCELLENT. ....TOO be continued.

JF, I lived most of my life in Manhattan NY, its mostly a union town and most jobs pay above the national average. Trust me when I tell you that stories about people not getting paid can be scrutinized.
The NYS labor dept is very strict and will close down a business if they are not paying their workers.
Everything I posted about how contractor invoices are paid in NYC comes from my personal decades long experience being involved in that, I didn't just read it somewhere.


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2024, 05:50:21 PM »
(6) SO these are the RICH LOADED. 8-10 JOBS after all work completed.The fucks refused to pay. It their SCAM. Imagine you loaded and refuse to pay. They goes take me to court. They knows they coyycha. Your the supposidley SAP. Youuse got to go and file against them. That costs $500.00 and then A trial date. Even if you win,You gotta wait until the homeowner CROAKS ,and then you got a LIEN on proberty and you should get all money due. If you meanin me dies first goodby anythin. And your out the $500.00 to begin with. .....Too be continued.
In NYC this is how most contractors bill,
First , almost everything is a contract.
25 pct of the total is paid up front for materials.
50 pct of the total is paid during the job
25 pct of the total is paid after the job is finished satisfactorily..


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2024, 07:23:46 PM »
THat might work for others and guessin with SHITBOY TRUMP it takes time to get paid and one does not receive full amount.
Know I,JOHN FRANK ARMY will state a estimite with a very RICH individual.
I knows you not know the territory. It GLENVIEW ,ILLINOIS. So's I did a couple houses there. They loved the work and price. So a next door neighbor on one said me dad needs some work done in a hurry. She IRANIAN and so is POPS. You remember how REAGAN made a deal with AIOTOLA wiyh the hostages. Got him elected after JIMMY'S failed attemt at rescue went down with sand in engines on thee helicopters.
Now this man who I had to meet lived in a gigantic mansion. Probably on 10 acreas . So'S.JOHN FRANK ARMY goes. I knocks on front door. This guy was a very important figure in the SHAH regime. He escaped with TONS of moola like others from that crokked regime. So a person answers door and says to me.: You can not walk thru house and you must go thru servants quarters. There you go. Me mind made up. So I'ss meets this stolen treasury FUC in backyard. He points out he wants every deck and gazebo powerwashed and stained in 30 dys. There loke 8 gazebos and 15 decks. He says I'M goin out of town and will be back in about 25 days. I'm havin a big 4th of JULY party with many guests.
So I know how long it takes to accomplish,I don't need a tape measurier. I gives him me price. He no like. I say's see ya and starts walkin away. He goes can you do it for this price. I say's this ain't no FLEA MARGET negotiatin. He goes OK. I agree. I never had any intention of doin job for the FUC. It look like a stiff job. 3 weeks later his daughter calls me screamin in IRANIAN. I says speak ENGLISH,BITCH. SHE goes: ME FATHER gonna have you KILLED. REALLY: Tell that MOTHERFUCKIN THEIF he;s lucky I don't put a bullet in his fuckin theivin head.

Want to mention one other thin. The FUCS that were in power in SOUTH VIET NAM. They also left stealin all the treasury. And their FUCKIN GRANDKIDS so nothin but play TEXAS HOLD UM all over country with that STOLEN MOOLA. So when one talks about immigrants IRAIANS and VIETNAMEES shoud be SHOT on site.

Bitter Truth

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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2024, 04:35:01 PM »
 Who in the fuck cares about your rambling description of your past and your left wing observations.  Look at all your topics. Easily 90% of the posts, just you talking to yourself.  11.wp


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Re: I'm going blind in 2 weeks.
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2024, 06:10:16 PM »
Who in the fuck cares about your rambling description of your past and your left wing observations.  Look at all your topics. Easily 90% of the posts, just you talking to yourself.  11.wp

Let him ramble!!  Others actually post actual dribble here. FYI, I believe we all talk to ourselves in our own lives.


shout out

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