Author Topic: USTA pokes its nose into hornets nest. Article in todays Paulick Report.  (Read 2334 times)

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Wow..  This is going to be fun to watch.  USTA, Faraldo, Taylor, Campbell and Gural in power struggle.  I don’t see anyone backing off.  What is your opinion ?


  • Stakes Horse
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Wow..  This is going to be fun to watch.  USTA, Faraldo, Taylor, Campbell and Gural in power struggle.  I don’t see anyone backing off.  What is your opinion ?

Do you have the link?

Bitter Truth

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You can send out invitations but if no one comes, I guess you are left to fuck yourself. A good suggestion for the hypocrites at USTA. Of course same thing could be said about and suggested for Jeffey.


  • 4 claimer
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The USTA is a disgusting cartel. 


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  • A ROOSTER by any other name is just A COCK.
Let me put this bluntly for LucPark and all the people that turned out against GEN XYZ.  Gural has way deeper pockets than the USTA, Russell Williams, and Farldo combined.  This fight is the perfect storm, that Mr. Gural has been waiting for, and its being served up like a platter at the old Katz's Deli.  USTA is aboubt to embark upon its demise before HISA takes control. Howard Taylor should be ashamed to bring a suit against anyone. Especially, a case of defamation.
Life is more like a bowel clogged full of cherry pits.


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Sounded like Campbell (Hambo Assn) is set to have BC at the Mlands so he would not be a mediator but he or Gural will attend so the other 3 can sit there and agree on nothing.
Matters little as Meadowlands is betting 3 mil a night without stake races .

Grandstand Handicapper

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Whatever credibility the USTA had, they are losing more of it every single day, both by what they are doing and not doing. It is time for them to go.

The USTA's own claims state that they brought order to what had been chaos in the horse racing sport/industry. They claimed that in years prior, "the sport was administered by regional organizations, each with differing rules, that often failed to honor each other's suspensions."  Then, they go on to state, "The USTA, which since 1948 has been headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, ruled as the sport's sole regulatory body until the 1960s, before the state racing commissions took over most of those functions, but the USTA retains an important role in the sport today because of its mission and grassroots leadership." Interesting, right?

The USTA, for the most part has never truly been a "governing" body, although history can be debated. To what end? Zero. It's history, it's in the past, it's over. Today the USTA could not be further from a governing body, although -- they want people to believe they are, they want people to believe they have the power to do so, they want do so when it suits their purpose or they feel threatened by some perceived territoriality.

If you are smart, look past the BS and you will see exactly what's going on here. The USTA played no role in any of the investigation, litigation, or prosecution of one person. Not one! They played zero role in the indictments, prosecution, and results. They did nothing. Now pay attention. Here's where the USTA is using deflection and trying to get you to look at one thing so that you can't see another. They want you to look at something, so you can't see the truth. Here it is...the USTA is telling you how they see an investigation -- into Taylor being excluded -- as their job, their responsibility, under their purview. They are going to investigate, have a meeting, and do what? Talk? Make announcements? Make decisions? Publicize their findings, which are nothing more than their opinion? This is their # 1 priority! That's their decision -- the fact that this is their # 1 priorty.

However, they had zero to say, meet, talk about, decide and so on...when the original event happened that caused the exclusion!!! It's absolutely 1000% transparent to me that the USTA wants to focus on THAT TAYLOR GOT EXCLUDED, as opposed to WHY HE GOT EXCLUDED. The USTA will paint the picture the Gural is the bad guy. He is wrong. They will huff and puff, yell and scream, hypothesize and articulate. It means nothing. All they can do is support Taylor in his fight against Gural. And, they are starting a war they cannot win. Period. Remember, outside of their role in: Breed Registry, Licensing for drivers and trainers, and Database Management (for racing and breeding records, and statistics regarding participants) -- everything else they do is by their leisure. It's because they built the ability and the infrastructure to do so. They are not authorized by some governing body to do so, nor are they the governing body. These services that they provide, along with others, are not exclusive to them.

That have no authority. None. Zero. The USTA is going to claim that the "crime" is Gural excluding Taylor. They will not even reference that the potential crime is why Taylor’s name was on the "hot list" and what did Taylor do or not, what did he purchase and not purchase, did he distribute or not distribute, and so on. ishman’s list, not why Taylor’s name was on Fishman’s list in the first place. Johnny Cochran, like him or not, believe he was a good attorney or not, had a standard MO. He would cast aspersions, shed light on, and divert attention to behavior, beliefs, morals, values, ethics, and credibility of Judges, Prosecutors, Lawmakers, and other...but would never, ever even mention, yet alone look at...the behavior and actions of his own client.


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Grandstand, thank your informative post.   We should be thankful the USTA is not our regulatory arm..  You have helped us see where there priorities are.


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  • A ROOSTER by any other name is just A COCK.
Whatever credibility the USTA had, they are losing more of it every single day, both by what they are doing and not doing. It is time for them to go.

The USTA's own claims state that they brought order to what had been chaos in the horse racing sport/industry. They claimed that in years prior, "the sport was administered by regional organizations, each with differing rules, that often failed to honor each other's suspensions."  Then, they go on to state, "The USTA, which since 1948 has been headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, ruled as the sport's sole regulatory body until the 1960s, before the state racing commissions took over most of those functions, but the USTA retains an important role in the sport today because of its mission and grassroots leadership." Interesting, right?

The USTA, for the most part has never truly been a "governing" body, although history can be debated. To what end? Zero. It's history, it's in the past, it's over. Today the USTA could not be further from a governing body, although -- they want people to believe they are, they want people to believe they have the power to do so, they want do so when it suits their purpose or they feel threatened by some perceived territoriality.

If you are smart, look past the BS and you will see exactly what's going on here. The USTA played no role in any of the investigation, litigation, or prosecution of one person. Not one! They played zero role in the indictments, prosecution, and results. They did nothing. Now pay attention. Here's where the USTA is using deflection and trying to get you to look at one thing so that you can't see another. They want you to look at something, so you can't see the truth. Here it is...the USTA is telling you how they see an investigation -- into Taylor being excluded -- as their job, their responsibility, under their purview. They are going to investigate, have a meeting, and do what? Talk? Make announcements? Make decisions? Publicize their findings, which are nothing more than their opinion? This is their # 1 priority! That's their decision -- the fact that this is their # 1 priorty.

However, they had zero to say, meet, talk about, decide and so on...when the original event happened that caused the exclusion!!! It's absolutely 1000% transparent to me that the USTA wants to focus on THAT TAYLOR GOT EXCLUDED, as opposed to WHY HE GOT EXCLUDED. The USTA will paint the picture the Gural is the bad guy. He is wrong. They will huff and puff, yell and scream, hypothesize and articulate. It means nothing. All they can do is support Taylor in his fight against Gural. And, they are starting a war they cannot win. Period. Remember, outside of their role in: Breed Registry, Licensing for drivers and trainers, and Database Management (for racing and breeding records, and statistics regarding participants) -- everything else they do is by their leisure. It's because they built the ability and the infrastructure to do so. They are not authorized by some governing body to do so, nor are they the governing body. These services that they provide, along with others, are not exclusive to them.

That have no authority. None. Zero. The USTA is going to claim that the "crime" is Gural excluding Taylor. They will not even reference that the potential crime is why Taylor’s name was on the "hot list" and what did Taylor do or not, what did he purchase and not purchase, did he distribute or not distribute, and so on. ishman’s list, not why Taylor’s name was on Fishman’s list in the first place. Johnny Cochran, like him or not, believe he was a good attorney or not, had a standard MO. He would cast aspersions, shed light on, and divert attention to behavior, beliefs, morals, values, ethics, and credibility of Judges, Prosecutors, Lawmakers, and other...but would never, ever even mention, yet alone look at...the behavior and actions of his own client.

I fully agree with what your content is stating.  So to further this in simplified terms, its really a battle between Russell Williams, defiant stand against HISA, and Gural's quest to incorporate HISA, which was a battle that has been ongoing for several years now.  Howard Taylor unwittingly IS THE PAWN, whether he cares to admit it or not, being used by Russell Williams, visa vie the USTA, (At they're expense by the way), to battle the uncompromising track owner of the Industries Main Events.
Life is more like a bowel clogged full of cherry pits.

Grandstand Handicapper

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Grandstand, thank your informative post.   We should be thankful the USTA is not our regulatory arm..  You have helped us see where there priorities are.

You're welcome. Just my own personal interpretation and opinion.

Grandstand Handicapper

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I fully agree with what your content is stating.  So to further this in simplified terms, its really a battle between Russell Williams, defiant stand against HISA, and Gural's quest to incorporate HISA, which was a battle that has been ongoing for several years now.  Howard Taylor unwittingly IS THE PAWN, whether he cares to admit it or not, being used by Russell Williams, visa vie the USTA, (At they're expense by the way), to battle the uncompromising track owner of the Industries Main Events.

I am not sure if this was only about HISA. Yes, it certainly is now part of it. I think Gural has very valid complaints, about Faraldo, the USTA, both of their actions and non-actions, and so forth. I think he has very valid complaints about a lot of things and a lot of people, parties, etc. I don't think that banning Taylor truly pissed off the USTA as much as it pissed off Faraldo, and perhaps Williams' to the extent that Taylor might be a good client of Hanover and/or the sales company. Like him or not, Howard Taylor is no dummy. He's a smart guy and a smart lawyer. Although, I think his dad was smarter, LOL. He will leverage anyone and everyone to win his case. Gural, unfortunately is sometimes, perhaps often, left as an island unto himself. But that's the kind of guy we need. I wish he had more support. I don't agree with everything he's done or not done, but he's done more than anyone else.

What I am very interested in is the HS's view and position on this. How does this play out? Not to oversimplify...Yo u make stakes payments. You are eligible to race (until you are not). Now you look to enter -- and you can't because the owner of the track has taken away your privileges to race their? State gives you a license, but the track owner says you can't race here. Private property rights? Sure there's more to it. I think there has to be language in the terms and conditions of the Breeders Crown races that speaks to whether or not an owner has the "ability" to race a horse they own at a track that is hosting a BC race.

The USTA is a farce. They should be relegated to a record-keeping body and that's it.


  • NW-1
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Fuck Howard Taylor


  • Stakes Horse
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The USTA has no authority to govern and cannot hold a hearing against you. Only power they have is executive revocation. And when a state stands its ground they have proven "Walter Case Jr." you can be granted a state license to compete. Now look at who you all complain about. Then look at your district directors, and executive directors. Don't leave out who owns the breeding farms, then tell me what you see.


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A good old boys club.!!!!


shout out

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  • M P: Incredible. Harness Racing survives off donations from the states. Breeds Standardbreds it trashes to kill pen. Then asks for more donations to save them. Can't make this shit up.
    July 02, 2024, 07:54:43 PM
  • M P: I can prove you're on welfare. You cannot prove I am, because I'm not. Now stand in line for your soup.
    July 02, 2024, 05:31:40 PM
  • Kole Hanover: MikeyP, does "harness welfare $" bother you, because you are on welfare yourself?
    July 02, 2024, 01:46:19 PM
  • M P: Gaagoots: "Mark is also not taking a salary from the USTA like the others"
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  • Cboyle: That teletomer had a family
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