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So's 2 weeks before fight in walks: SILAS JAYNE and his entourage. Not know the FUC at time. He,SILAS has a horse farm a mile away and a LISTON,backer. The place went nuts as under security tried to evict the FUC. Needed police to show up to eradicade the FUC and his peoples from farm. Learned about that killin fuc after that. So'S I agree with you MIKE. Everyone should not hide behind a dump ass moniker,afraid too reveal their real name. Obviously: JOHN FRANK ARMY do not. HE don't care who knows anythin about him. Back to you MIKE. Gettin back to years ago. You like exposin . TRY this one. SHOW HORSES are the biggest SHIT with MURDERS over years. It a RACKETT that was led by SILAS over years and still exists. And these ponies go for sale at big BUCKS. Stick your nose into this corrupt rackett and see what you can find. And by the way: SILAS was the MURDERER of all time in this rackett. Even the CHICAGO MOP was afraid of him.
IT TIME for JOHN FRANK ARMY too respond. I.Don't know the guy MICHAEL PETTRILLI that ever one dislikes. Me a TB guy. But I will relate a instance in me life before ALLS you BORN. So it 1962.: IT the first fight between FLOYD PATTERSON and SONNY LISTON gonna be and was held at COMISKEY PARK,CHICACAGO. Their 3 of us. JOHN FRANK,JIMMY MC'NICHOLLS and BILLY FERRELL. We all 14 years old. Mr.PATTERSON was trainin for the fight at a farm 2 miles east of ELGIN,ILLINOIS. We kids and jump on ours bicycles to go watch trainin. It a 7 mile ride for us. Who cars: This in day one can leave their house unlocked and still be 100% safe. We arrives first day. Guards say: You need to pay to get in. D]ANGELO walks up and says LET them in. We went everyday. After the 3rd day FLOYD notices us. He goes: are you FANS. We go: OF COURSE. Then he goes ,Give these kids anythin they want. FOOD,POP. FLOYD took care of us. GOD he was great. Gave us autographed train boxin gloves and other personalized autographs. He was the nicest person anyone could ever meet. TOO bee continued.
On pins and needles waiting for his tack room videos!
Will he be living in it? Then where after he pisses this guy off?
John Frank Army has spoken, I hope you people are listening
This is how I picture Vladimir Putin sounding - on acid.
Listening? I'm still trying to comprehend what the hell he said!