Author Topic: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine  (Read 10833 times)

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2024, 07:22:28 PM »
1.  The horse was already qualified.   That was a 3rd time.  Being already qualified he could race anywhere .. not to mention the race for hoosier DIDNT FILL.
2.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE inform us.... including TG himself who the paper trainers are.  We would all LOVE to know.  I mean seriously...we REALLY need to know.
3. Can we have some of your FACTUAL rules that have been broken?    ANY will do.  ANY.     

THE NUMBERS STAY UP BY NOT RACING BAD HORSES.  If they aren't good enough, they aren't in the barn.   

Sorry you sucked at "sucking" , ooops i mean your job and have to go to the end of the line.... but take it like a man and admit your defeat.   If you had all these facts.... you would have managed to accomplish something.   Weren't you HEAD of the commission?    You didn't answer to hoosier park or stop blaming others for your short coming

This is the last rebuttal in an effort to display proof and facts because it appears that your mind is clouded, you are misinformed and mislead, or in my opinion, you represent one of the trainers whom receive "special treatment" from Peine. This is your last chance to examine the facts and proof in an effort to clear your mind of the ingestion of equine urine and feces or some type of mental psychosis. 

This time I ask that you SLOWLY read and understand the facts so that you will see corruption from Peine's office staring at you between your very own eyes. If after this post, you still try to persuade or deflect away from the real issue at hand, (Peine should be terminated), then my suggestion is to return to Pacesetter and finish up cleaning the stalls and continue on with your daily ingestions.   Please again read carefully Peine's own rule copied and pasted off the qualifying sheet on 3/13/24 listed below:


1. Horse is entered in a "paid in" event at another track
2. Horse is entered at HHP and did not get in
(if you feel an exception is warranted, please contact racing office to discuss)
(Violators of this rule are subject to lose the ability to enter qualifiers)

I will address each point of your rebuttal so please follow along.

1. The horse WAS NOT already qualified as you stated as evidenced by the previous two qualifying races in which he went off stride. This is the reason why trainer of record Tyler George MUST re-qualify the horse. So yes, it was his third time qualifying because he broke the two previous and MUST qualify and meet the HHP standards to be eligible to race in a pari-mutuel race. Before I go to point number two of your buttal, do you understand and comprehend that Das Schnipker WAS NOT eligible to race until that third qualifier on 3/27 which he won and stayed flat? Moving on, this means that as of 3/27, Das Schipnker was now eligible to race,BUT- Mr Peine's qualifying rules clearly stated above, say any horse that qualifies at HHP, the next start MUST be at HHP. It does NOT say if you hav e 3 or 53 qualifiers that you can go race elsewhere. This is Peine's rule and Erv and Tyler violated it, period!

This is fact and proof that somehow you are unable to comprehend. Do you now "get it" that Mr. Peine has a "select few" who can violate the rules and he can look the other way while the smaller stables must strictly adhere to the rules or face punishment? Hopefully you now understand why Peine needs to either resign his position at once, or face immediate discipline and/or termination?  Okay now lets go on in the hopes you now understand so we can move to the next bullet point.

2. I will not divulge the other individuals who Mr. George employs on an "as needed" basis because again, you are trying to deflect away from the topic of this thread that Peine needs to be terminated. I only deal with facts and not hearsay which again, I just S-P-E-L-L-E-D out for you! I will say this much regarding this point, during last year when George was the subject of an investigation that landed on my desk, my team and I discovered that a handful of other licensed trainers were switching horses back and forth like a merry go round in and out of his stable and after this was reported to our direct supervisor, we were told to keep the investigation open. If you want those names, please send me a PM and I will send them to you. Out of respect for those individuals, I will not post their names in the open forum.

3. Up until this point on this thread, you have been given cold and hard FACTS again which you choose not to believe. Please again don't forget to post a thank you for me of how I explained to you in layman terms, the level of daily corruption and favors that come out of Peine's office along with his own blatant disregard of the rules applying fair across the board to everyone.

After all of this, you now have an account of the FACTS and pieces of the crookedness and corruption that Peine has engaged in for at least the past two years that I've looked into him. Again, I will no longer respond to your slanting and turning away from truth and justice. As my colleagues say, believe what you wanna believe, but don't let the facts cloud you away from the truth. This is just a sample of the underhandedness and shady dealings that go on in Peine's office for at least two years.

As far as your remarks about me "sucking" at my job. Again, we disagree. I will quote a few of my colleagues who tell me to this day, "you were just too damn good at your job and you couldn't be bought"! I can honorably say that when I worked for the IHRC, each and every investigation that I worked, was done with the utmost integrity and impartiality. I have no dog in this fight and again, your opinion is your opinion and I'll respect that. But as for me, I'll stick with the facts rather than fiction because I know inat the end of the day, I'm proud of my work and I sleep well each and every night. Always remember one thing, the truth shall set you free. No shortcomings here, just truth and honesty. 

Hopefully you now have all of the FACTS and proof that you need which clearly display that Peine allowed both Erv and Tyler to knowingly violate his own written qualifying rules (please see the rules above). And if you don't understand that as a result of these facts, that Peine should be terminated, then you are either SLOW, or you are one of his "select favorites" and beneficiaries of being able to run free without any repercussion or punishment. Good Day all. Tom L.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 07:34:44 PM by T Link »
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2024, 07:32:02 PM »
Obviously you can not read the last part of the conditions. Do you have any proof the trainers in question didn’t contact him??

Horse is entered at HHP and did not get in
(if you feel an exception is warranted, please contact racing office to discuss)

T Link

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2024, 07:39:41 PM »
Obviously you can not read the last part of the conditions. Do you have any proof the trainers in question didn’t contact him??

Horse is entered at HHP and did not get in
(if you feel an exception is warranted, please contact racing office to discuss)
Yes. they were entered into the other races at those tracks on the day they qualified. Neither horse was in the box for the Wednesday afternoon draw at HOP but instead already in to go at another track. They were racing the following Monday on 4/1 at MVR.

I also ask you this question. How come other trainers were not allowed to do this? Tom L.
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2024, 07:40:11 PM »
You people gotta to learn this is a business. Sometimes the track does favors for the horseman sometimes the horseman do favors for the track. If you are a small stable and the race secretary puts you in a higher class to fill the race and you scratch or throw yourself you will never get a favor. If you race your horse carefully you will find that sooner or later you get in a better class that needs to fill. There is a give and take to every thing in life

T Link

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2024, 07:42:03 PM »
You people gotta to learn this is a business. Sometimes the track does favors for the horseman sometimes the horseman do favors for the track. If you are a small stable and the race secretary puts you in a higher class to fill the race and you scratch or throw yourself you will never get a favor. If you race your horse carefully you will find that sooner or later you get in a better class that needs to fill. There is a give and take to every thing in life
I will agree with you sir on that. Furthermore, a race secretary can kill you if you get on his bad side. That was my other point of rebuttal. Tom L.
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2024, 07:44:05 PM »
Yes. they were entered into the other races at those tracks on the day they qualified. Neither horse was in the box for the Wednesday afternoon draw at HOP but instead already in to go at another track. They were racing the following Monday on 4/1 at MVR.

I also ask you this question. How come other trainers were not allowed to do this? Tom L.

Anytime I have ever ask a race secretary to let me in a Q on a horse I didn’t plan to race there.  The answer was if i have room for them. Somehow always got in and I only ran a 10 horse stable. If you get ignorant they ain’t going to have room. From your post earlier you alleged that Scott was taking bribes from big stables. If you had any real proof you wouldn’t need to go to some government appointed officials

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2024, 07:45:28 PM »
I will agree with you sir on that. Furthermore, a race secretary can kill you if you get on his bad side. That was my other point of rebuttal. Tom L.

Once again life is a give and take proposition. Nothing nefarious there or I could sue my wife repeatedly

T Link

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2024, 07:51:46 PM »
Anytime I have ever ask a race secretary to let me in a Q on a horse I didn’t plan to race there.  The answer was if i have room for them. Somehow always got in and I only ran a 10 horse stable. If you get ignorant they ain’t going to have room. From your post earlier you alleged that Scott was taking bribes from big stables. If you had any real proof you wouldn’t need to go to some government appointed officials
I'm going to rebut you from my opinion, rather then the current way. It has always been my belief in life that if you work hard and do the right thing, you won't have to kiss ass. In other words, just run your business the right way and stay in your lane, and you won't need a favor, nor should you expect a favor. Isn't this what most of society complains about today? The drivers allowing their "friends" a hole for better position or another driver taking up to allow his friend an easy lead. So from my heart I tell you sir with all due respect, don't ask me for a favor and I won't ask you. Play by the rules and may the best man win. Tom L.
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.


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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2024, 07:58:18 PM »
Bellamy qualified levi at hop... raced at mvg
Putnam qualified everything at hop.... raced most at oak Grove

And das.... first qualifier was flat and 58.   Second one does not cancel out first.  So yes... learn the rules... he was qualified.  The 3 rd was principle for the horse..     and again... the race DID NOT FILL.   

You and your beards.  No beards landed on your desk.  Not a single one.  Horses that left his barn... left his barn.   

I'd rather clean stalls than waller in your misery.

Let's talk about favors.... how does a horse with 30 000 last 4 get in an open 3?  Ponda jet.... 

There are no favors handed out to Tyler george.  Cameras and living/working under a mismanaged witch hunt is not a favor.

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2024, 08:05:36 PM »
I'm going to rebut you from my opinion, rather then the current way. It has always been my belief in life that if you work hard and do the right thing, you won't have to kiss ass. In other words, just run your business the right way and stay in your lane, and you won't need a favor, nor should you expect a favor. Isn't this what most of society complains about today? The drivers allowing their "friends" a hole for better position or another driver taking up to allow his friend an easy lead. So from my heart I tell you sir with all due respect, don't ask me for a favor and I won't ask you. Play by the rules and may the best man win. Tom L.

That is a great dream.  But unfortunately not reality. As they always said back home. “It ain’t what you do but who you know “. It makes it easier if you work hard and are respected but it still goes back to give and take. And pick your battles. I appreciate that you tried to fix things no just think you went at the wrong battles. If I’m race secretary and need to fill races to keep my job   I’ll help out anyone I need too.

T Link

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2024, 08:07:08 PM »
Once again life is a give and take proposition. Nothing nefarious there or I could sue my wife repeatedly
I disagree but I told myself that I wouldn't go back and forth on Horseplop when I signed up for an account here, so I'm not going to go against my word. LOL  Last thing I'll leave you with on this subject of Peine should be terminated is this, why not just remove the silly rule in the first place or better yet, why make a rule if you don't plan on enforcing it equally across the board for everyone?. I worked there for a short period of time and I can only tell you my experiences of what I encountered on a daily basis. Nobody likes investigators or someone they know is looking into them. There is corruption at a very bad level in Indiana and Peine is only a small part of it, but he is guilty as charged. I know the fruits of my investigations and I can tell you, its overwhelming when you see how things disappear if you have the right name or know the right person. Take care and nice chatting with you. Tom L.
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.


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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2024, 08:10:53 PM »
Nothing quite like having all this "worldly knowledge" and "stone cold facts".... and knowing it is all such bullshit that you have to resort to a public forum aimed at gamblers and borded horsemen to feel vindicated. 

 I'm sorry you and your friends are incapable of training a goldfish to swim but that is not other people's problems.

 Every tracks race secretary has favorites and writes races for certain horses. 

Stan durbread

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2024, 08:13:04 PM »
There are lots of issues in horse racing. Starting with the idiots that are appointed by the governor to run the race commissions. If you have any proof that they are working in cahoots with the tracks please take that to the proper authorities. The examples you posted earlier are every day occurrences. Nothing nefarious there. But if you have more please contact 5 stones or the FBI investigators that took down the guys on East Coast

cigar Tom

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2024, 08:15:45 PM »
Bellamy qualified levi at hop... raced at mvg
Putnam qualified everything at hop.... raced most at oak Grove

And das.... first qualifier was flat and 58.   Second one does not cancel out first.  So yes... learn the rules... he was qualified.  The 3 rd was principle for the horse..     and again... the race DID NOT FILL.   

You and your beards.  No beards landed on your desk.  Not a single one.  Horses that left his barn... left his barn.   

I'd rather clean stalls than waller in your misery.

Let's talk about favors.... how does a horse with 30 000 last 4 get in an open 3?  Ponda jet.... 

There are no favors handed out to Tyler george.  Cameras and living/working under a mismanaged witch hunt is not a favor.
You’re an idiot Red. Read the rule it says your first start has to be at Hoosier off the qually. Stop there  and do not pass go or collect 200$. Your next start must be at Hoosier. It wasn’t so Your wrong
« Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 08:17:59 PM by cigar Tom »

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Re: Hoosier Race Secretary fuckhead Scott peine
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2024, 08:22:31 PM »
You’re an idiot Red. Read the rule it says your first start has to be at Hoosier off the qually. Stop there  and do not pass go or collect 200$. Your next start must be at Hoosier. It wasn’t so Your wrong
Thank you sir. And what does one do when they are proven to be wrong? Of course they do what all horsemen do, they point the finger at the other guy who violated the same rule they did instead of admitting they were in violation themself! Tom L.
I can tell you stories about the inner workings at Hoosier and Indy Downs that would make your skin crawl.


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