Author Topic: BIDEN MUST REPEAT HIS ABC’s before his can appear on ballot. Per FOX BEWS  (Read 6405 times)

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cigar Tom

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35 dollar/month insulin
increased COLA to Veterans beneits, and PACT act widened the scope of Veterans Disability benefits
Tired of hearing our veterans shine and cry about more and more benefits. Enough already. Thank you for your service but if you ptsd as a result or some type of mental situation get the help you need. What more do you want?


  • Stakes Horse
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Tired of hearing our veterans shine and cry about more and more benefits. Enough already. Thank you for your service but if you ptsd as a result or some type of mental situation get the help you need. What more do you want?

And you MAGATS hide behind the flag and call yourselves patriots.

Mr. Fix-It

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Trump laughable lie of the weekend, edition #31,457:
Friday in Minnesota he said he won 29 club championships. On Saturday at The Wayne Lapierre clan rally in Dallas he said he won 31 club championships.
Fucking moron can't keep his bullshit stories straight.
A vote for Trump is a vote for stupidity. BTW there's video proof of the lies.
Put this on top of up edging the crowd in Wildwood last weekend to 115,000 (it was 10-15,000) and it makes a nice bullshit sandwich.

HoP Haiku

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trump is a liar
he also is a rapist
fat stupid moron


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And you MAGATS hide behind the flag and call yourselves patriots.


  • Elite
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trump is a liar
he also is a rapist
fat stupid moron
That was an intelligent answer! Don’t listen to the CNBC bullshit if that was true, he would be in jail. He’s never been convicted dummy.

The Unstable

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You’re a smart guy Mike most of them are too stupid to realize that.

you are both stupid it is 18 percent over Bidens term not annually.  It was 1.4 percent under Obama and you hated him too. 


  • Stakes Horse
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you are both stupid it is 18 percent over Bidens term not annually.  It was 1.4 percent under Obama and you hated him too.
I'm betting you're half Black and half Hispanic with a last name of Epstein         

Stan durbread

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you are both stupid it is 18 percent over Bidens term not annually.  It was 1.4 percent under Obama and you hated him too.

It is 19%.  But that is CPI. Don’t count in the cost of fuel (55%) or most food (20-35%). In the latest CPI they removed coffee 105% from the list of items tracked


  • Stakes Horse
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It is 19%.  But that is CPI. Don’t count in the cost of fuel (55%) or most food (20-35%). In the latest CPI they removed coffee 105% from the list of items tracked

And you were a sweathog

The Unstable

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It is 19%.  But that is CPI. Don’t count in the cost of fuel (55%) or most food (20-35%). In the latest CPI they removed coffee 105% from the list of items tracked

You know we produce the most oil we ever did under Biden. The US doesn't control the global oil maket and prices have little to do with the Presidency good or bad.  Coffee beans don't come from the US and our suppliers are going through record drought, hmm could you think of a reason why?  Food prices up, so are wages.

And never forget, Trump led an insurrection and tried to have a electoral coup. And despicably calls these criminals politcal hostages when actual hostages are held by Hamas.   the rest is almost secondary and irrelevant. 

Stan durbread

  • Stakes Horse
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You know we produce the most oil we ever did under Biden. The US doesn't control the global oil maket and prices have little to do with the Presidency good or bad.  Coffee beans don't come from the US and our suppliers are going through record drought, hmm could you think of a reason why?  Food prices up, so are wages.

And never forget, Trump led an insurrection and tried to have a electoral coup. And despicably calls these criminals politcal hostages when actual hostages are held by Hamas.   the rest is almost secondary and irrelevant. 

Whose wages are up???  Mine are still at the standard 3%. 

Stan durbread

  • Stakes Horse
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Biden had classified documents at his home and a few other places. Why are they not prosecuting him??  Special Counsel says “ because he is a feeble old man with memory lapses “. Just who I want running this country


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you are both stupid it is 18 percent over Bidens term not annually.  It was 1.4 percent under Obama and you hated him too.
May I ask you a question... What tribe are you with? My guess is either Zulu or Himba. Which one is it??


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Biden had classified documents at his home and a few other places. Why are they not prosecuting him??  Special Counsel says “ because he is a feeble old man with memory lapses “. Just who I want running this country
Answer: Because he's a fucking liberal just like the media bias.


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