4 day;s ago they were highlitin, SHOPPIN CART LADY. Accordin to them and her,which they intervied. She goes. I left my 2 young children in car after I put them there to return my shoppon cart in parkin lot ,recepticle. She goes I was arressted for abandonin my young children by POLICE.
LET,JOHN FRANK ARMY get this right. You left your young children for 30 seconds and the police showed in a fraction and arrested you. That the quikest time ever.
Today FOX reports. They notsay they got it wrong in first place. They expOUND retin to explain their NON-FACTUAL NONSENSE. They go this is OUTRAGEOUSE!. SHE WAS ARRESTED for not returnin her shoppin cart to proper recepticle.
JOHN FRANK ARMY got to say: Only a 3rd grade or below level would follow FOX NEWS.