Author Topic: CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP  (Read 1878 times)

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The Unstable

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« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2024, 01:56:00 AM »
May I ask what you’re basing those allegations on? A bunch of Democrats got together behind Pelosi pulled all these bullshit lawsuits.  After the debate, I think Trump will get more like 70% of the vote. Come on you have to admit Biden looked comatose!

The Bullshit lawsuits he lost for raping a women to the tune of millions of dollars??  Or the lawsuit pre President he lost for Trump U for millions (did Pelosi do that?)  Or the 60 lawsuits he lost trying to overturn an election he lost?  There is no ceiling or scenerio where Trump gets 70 percent of the vote.  Impossible. His own Vice President he tried to get killed is not voting for him.   You are delusional.  But a lot of MAGA is. 

And since I'm not part of a cult I can admit Biden looked bad and not be cancelled by my peers. We can replace him and still have a good chance winning.  Make no mistake trump was awful too.  But since i'm not part of a cult we can criticize our candidate and replace him. We don't have to play fealty to the great leader. 

PS if Romney won against any Democrat he would win in a landslide.  Trump still has a chance of not winning the popular vote. 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 02:12:03 AM by The Unstable »


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« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2024, 02:18:06 AM »
Trump is much better option. They both aren't great, but Trump is better. Biden was,outcampaigning in NC friday....why wasn't he replaced already. He was friend before the debate

The Unstable

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« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2024, 02:36:57 AM »
Trump is much better option. They both aren't great, but Trump is better. Biden was,outcampaigning in NC friday....why wasn't he replaced already. He was friend before the debate

Yes people who want their vice president hanged and never accept election results then ask a election secretary to find votes and sexually assault women are always the better option!  I would honestly be suprised if Biden isn't replaced.  Why do you think they held the debate before and not after the convention?  But if you ask me is Biden after that performance fit to be President the answer in no.  If you ask me is Trump fit to before or after that performance the answer is no also.  Sociopathic  autocrats are generally not good for democracy. 


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« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2024, 11:18:46 AM »
Yes people who want their vice president hanged and never accept election results then ask a election secretary to find votes and sexually assault women are always the better option!  I would honestly be suprised if Biden isn't replaced.  Why do you think they held the debate before and not after the convention?  But if you ask me is Biden after that performance fit to be President the answer in no.  If you ask me is Trump fit to before or after that performance the answer is no also.  Sociopathic  autocrats are generally not good for democracy.
Gavin Newsom would be the logical choice because most voters are stupid they vote on looks and youth but trust me this guy is no dummy even though he ruined the state of California with his out of control spending.


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« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2024, 11:19:41 AM »
Trump is much better option. They both aren't great, but Trump is better. Biden was,outcampaigning in NC friday....why wasn't he replaced already. He was friend before the debate
I agree!


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« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2024, 11:52:08 AM »
First of all I couldn’t care less if Biden was 150 years old. His policies of open borders, massive debt, deficits, taxes, rules, regs, fees, fines, mandates, giveaways and control absolutely suck. And he lies about it all and the liberal media covers for it all!


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« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2024, 01:53:29 PM »
The media is complicit in race baiting rare killings and they said last week that all of the talk and videos of Biden's condition were DEEP FAKES! Now they don't know what to say when the TRUTH was revealed LIVE and they are ready to throw him out like garbage as no longer being the useful HIDDEN idiot he was! His press secretary is a pathetic and insulting joke at her job. The liberal media has NEVER said ONE positive word about Trump since he ran for office in 2015. That is proof of their obvious bias.  I hope Biden stays in to screw the Democrats and the media who willingly LIED about his condition for 4 years now.

The Unstable

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« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2024, 02:44:23 PM »
Again Trump debate points were all lies.  He won by default like a walkover horse race.  He made no pints to why you would elect him.  All lies and he will likely lose if Democrats change candidates.

Lies he said and they are all 100 percent lies. Here are some from Thursday

1) I would have accepted the results if the election was fair (this again??)
2) I got insulin to 35 dollars (that came with the infrastructure bill passed in 2021)
3) Biden allowed millions of people to come here from jails and mental instutitions (what and not even plausible)
4) Everybody wanted Roe vs Wade back to the states..Democrats and Liberals (it takes balls to speak for liberal people and this is obviously not true)
5) They made up (democrats ) he called the troops suckers and losers and Biden should apologize to him (Biden didn't say this , General Kelly confirmed this )
6) Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 troops on Jan 6 and she said it herself so it is her fault (Pelosi never said that and the next day said "He’s a fool. He thinks I planned my own assassination? He’s sicker than I thought.”
7) Jan 6 commitee destroyed and delated all the information they found. (simply not true)
8)Joe could be a convicted Felon with all the things he has done (Yet after 4 years not anything on Biden from congress and this was said by an ACTUAL CONVICTED FELON)
9)Joe Biden gets paid from China  (any proof to back that up?)
10) He said he didn't have sex with a porn star!!!!  (pleeease)
11) I'm as good of shape now as I was 25 years ago but lighter (right!)
12) NATO was going  out of business ( what does this even mean????)
13) Under Trump Iran was broke (Iran gave Hamas 100 million dollas in 2019 alone)
14) I was getting out of Afghanistan with diginity, stregnth and power ( if pulling out of a country and releasing 5000 prisoners is strength and power)
15) Our border is the most dangerous place in the world (this is silly )
16) Biden made up the story that he defended White Nationalists at Charlottesville and the media debunked it (that would be no and no)

Trump gave one of the worst debate performances ever overshadowed by Bidens no show.

Sadly Biden gave the worst debate in modern history and did not reply to any of this torrent of BS.  Any other Dem will. 

« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 02:53:55 PM by The Unstable »


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« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2024, 04:56:33 PM »

Stan durbread

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« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2024, 06:04:37 PM »
Again Trump debate points were all lies.  He won by default like a walkover horse race.  He made no pints to why you would elect him.  All lies and he will likely lose if Democrats change candidates.

Lies he said and they are all 100 percent lies. Here are some from Thursday

1) I would have accepted the results if the election was fair (this again??)
2) I got insulin to 35 dollars (that came with the infrastructure bill passed in 2021)
3) Biden allowed millions of people to come here from jails and mental instutitions (what and not even plausible)
4) Everybody wanted Roe vs Wade back to the states..Democrats and Liberals (it takes balls to speak for liberal people and this is obviously not true)
5) They made up (democrats ) he called the troops suckers and losers and Biden should apologize to him (Biden didn't say this , General Kelly confirmed this )
6) Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 troops on Jan 6 and she said it herself so it is her fault (Pelosi never said that and the next day said "He’s a fool. He thinks I planned my own assassination? He’s sicker than I thought.”
7) Jan 6 commitee destroyed and delated all the information they found. (simply not true)
8)Joe could be a convicted Felon with all the things he has done (Yet after 4 years not anything on Biden from congress and this was said by an ACTUAL CONVICTED FELON)
9)Joe Biden gets paid from China  (any proof to back that up?)
10) He said he didn't have sex with a porn star!!!!  (pleeease)
11) I'm as good of shape now as I was 25 years ago but lighter (right!)
12) NATO was going  out of business ( what does this even mean????)
13) Under Trump Iran was broke (Iran gave Hamas 100 million dollas in 2019 alone)
14) I was getting out of Afghanistan with diginity, stregnth and power ( if pulling out of a country and releasing 5000 prisoners is strength and power)
15) Our border is the most dangerous place in the world (this is silly )
16) Biden made up the story that he defended White Nationalists at Charlottesville and the media debunked it (that would be no and no)

Trump gave one of the worst debate performances ever overshadowed by Bidens no show.

Sadly Biden gave the worst debate in modern history and did not reply to any of this torrent of BS.  Any other Dem will.

Only going to hit on the biggest issues with your post

3.  The open border from Biden has let in 10’s of millions people without checking their status. There have been several felons from other countries apprehended after the fact.
5. According to Snopes this comment was given to the media from an anonymous source. Nobody has ever confirmed the comment. And with the hate for Trump you would think the informant would go public and be a national hero.
6. Pelosi admitted to turning down national guard troops and so did the Mayor of DC.
7. It has been proven that there were many documents “lost” from the transition of J6 committee to the new republican committee. Why not turn it all over??
9. Ok maybe not Joe but the rest of his family has profited from his government position. Just like his daddy did.
10. It has never been proven he had sex with her. And even if he did it was fine for Clinton to have sex with an intern in the White House.
14. Biden left 86 billion dollars worth of military equipment and several Americans to the Taliban.
15. Trying taking a trip to the southern border it ain’t pretty.

The Unstable

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« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2024, 01:25:34 AM »
Only going to hit on the biggest issues with your post

3.  The open border from Biden has let in 10’s of millions people without checking their status. There have been several felons from other countries apprehended after the fact.
5. According to Snopes this comment was given to the media from an anonymous source. Nobody has ever confirmed the comment. And with the hate for Trump you would think the informant would go public and be a national hero.
6. Pelosi admitted to turning down national guard troops and so did the Mayor of DC.
7. It has been proven that there were many documents “lost” from the transition of J6 committee to the new republican committee. Why not turn it all over??
9. Ok maybe not Joe but the rest of his family has profited from his government position. Just like his daddy did.
10. It has never been proven he had sex with her. And even if he did it was fine for Clinton to have sex with an intern in the White House.
14. Biden left 86 billion dollars worth of military equipment and several Americans to the Taliban.
15. Trying taking a trip to the southern border it ain’t pretty.

You are very misinformed, or as Kelly ann Conway once said, "there are facts and ther are alternative facts".  If you spent 10 minutes off Fox or Newsmax you might learn something.

3.  The open border from Biden has let in 10’s of millions people without checking their status. There have been several felons from other countries apprehended after the fact. 

( sorry the total is 9 million not tens of millions, is that 40 or 50 million????  Trump said millions from mental hospital and prisons/ not true)
5. According to Snopes this comment was given to the media from an anonymous source. Nobody has ever confirmed the comment. And with the hate for Trump you would think the informant would go public and be a national hero.   "

("A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because (
‘there is nothing in it for them,'" Kelly said of Trump."  link nbc news  Snopes says in the same article Kelly confirmed that. You know he didn't go to Normandy because it was raining and told his General never to use a handicapped war veteran to sing the national anthem again after seeing it done. Guess what , Trump is lying.)

6. Pelosi admitted to turning down national guard troops and so did the Mayor of DC.   

("fact Nancy Pelosi never claimed to be responsible for January 6th. She can be seen on film during the January 6th attack on the Capitol asking local officials to deploy National Guard troops to the Capitol when it became clear Trump wasn't going to deploy the D.C. National Guard."  Plus the leader of the house does not have the authority to deploy the national guard. we call that a lie.)

7. It has been proven that there were many documents “lost” from the transition of J6 committee to the new republican committee. Why not turn it all over?? 

(there were no documents lost.  it was video and wasn't required to be saved, so they didn't delete all the information. that is a lie)

9. Ok maybe not Joe but the rest of his family has profited from his government position. Just like his daddy did.

(Again no proof from the impeachment that never happened from Republican house and Trump lied..why do you think they never did try to impeach??? so again Biden did not profit from China and his son used his name and Biden wasn't in office then.  Kind of like Jareds deal with the Saudis for billions no? )

10. It has never been proven he had sex with her. And even if he did it was fine for Clinton to have sex with an intern in the White House.

(are you fucking kidding me and what about Clinton doesn't have anything to do with him lying. He is a serial adulterer. He lost the case in NY for campaign fraud as he diverted funds for his campaign to pay hush money. I know lots of people pay hush money to a porn star they never had sex with! frankly you should be embarrased to even post that)

14. Biden left 86 billion dollars worth of military equipment and several Americans to the Taliban.

 (that statement is false

15. Trying taking a trip to the southern border it ain’t pretty.

(is it Gaza, Ukraine ,Sudan, Haiti>...the  answer is no so it is not the most dangerous place in the world he just made that up, heck it is more dangerous in Russia to talk bad about Putin, the same Putin Donald loves)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 01:44:07 AM by The Unstable »


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« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2024, 02:43:47 AM »
People talk of Trump this n that ..problem is...the. urgent president is the leader and is supposed to be the best candidate...hes already running the ship. Why isn't it a crime that others tell Biden ehat to do...could u imagine if Trump were in office and he wasn't calling the shots ? Obama is making several decisions of not all...


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« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2024, 02:51:18 AM »
And condolences to the United States of America


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« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2024, 11:19:53 AM »
Again Trump debate points were all lies.  He won by default like a walkover horse race.  He made no pints to why you would elect him.  All lies and he will likely lose if Democrats change candidates.

Lies he said and they are all 100 percent lies. Here are some from Thursday

1) I would have accepted the results if the election was fair (this again??)
2) I got insulin to 35 dollars (that came with the infrastructure bill passed in 2021)
3) Biden allowed millions of people to come here from jails and mental instutitions (what and not even plausible)
4) Everybody wanted Roe vs Wade back to the states..Democrats and Liberals (it takes balls to speak for liberal people and this is obviously not true)
5) They made up (democrats ) he called the troops suckers and losers and Biden should apologize to him (Biden didn't say this , General Kelly confirmed this )
6) Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 troops on Jan 6 and she said it herself so it is her fault (Pelosi never said that and the next day said "He’s a fool. He thinks I planned my own assassination? He’s sicker than I thought.”
7) Jan 6 commitee destroyed and delated all the information they found. (simply not true)
8)Joe could be a convicted Felon with all the things he has done (Yet after 4 years not anything on Biden from congress and this was said by an ACTUAL CONVICTED FELON)
9)Joe Biden gets paid from China  (any proof to back that up?)
10) He said he didn't have sex with a porn star!!!!  (pleeease)
11) I'm as good of shape now as I was 25 years ago but lighter (right!)
12) NATO was going  out of business ( what does this even mean????)
13) Under Trump Iran was broke (Iran gave Hamas 100 million dollas in 2019 alone)
14) I was getting out of Afghanistan with diginity, stregnth and power ( if pulling out of a country and releasing 5000 prisoners is strength and power)
15) Our border is the most dangerous place in the world (this is silly )
16) Biden made up the story that he defended White Nationalists at Charlottesville and the media debunked it (that would be no and no)

Trump gave one of the worst debate performances ever overshadowed by Bidens no show.

Sadly Biden gave the worst debate in modern history and did not reply to any of this torrent of BS.  Any other Dem will.
Speaking of Pelosi, how did she get all that money on her salary? Whatever happened with her husband getting a blowjob from that guy?

Have you checked everything that you wrote about I doubt it. I was better off with Trump as president simply because I had more money in my pocket than I do with this moron.


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« Reply #44 on: June 30, 2024, 11:21:07 AM »
People talk of Trump this n that ..problem is...the. urgent president is the leader and is supposed to be the best candidate...hes already running the ship. Why isn't it a crime that others tell Biden ehat to do...could u imagine if Trump were in office and he wasn't calling the shots ? Obama is making several decisions of not all...
No wonder why inflation is off the charts! Is that why we just keep printing money?


shout out

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