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I got semi-filthy rich one night at Maywood betting Earnest T. Bass from the 8-post.
Again, use your imagination. Thanks for sharing.
You should thank me for enabling you to pad your post count.
Hey Mike, are you related to George Campbell? He used to have a liquor or a soda store in Matamoras PA years ago.
No. I wish I was, I could have used a family discount on booze.
Is there another post where one can go try and catch up, with whatever tf this is?
Stay tuned. I have a good friend that will post actual documents about Rainman on YouTube,
Really LITTLE MIKEY!!Is this the best you can do?All we see on horseplop is how bad your life really is!SO SAD!This is really supposed to deter me from posting about you after what you do here
Spoken to your kids lately? wife?
Morning LIL MIKEY,You're the 'BIGGEST BS' person here, you tell the stories please!
How's your driver's license status?
Morning LIL MIKEY!Did a lot of driving the last few days. Thanx for asking!What other BS do you have up your sleeve?Inquiring minds want to know!
All in good time asshole
Morning LIL MIKEY!Such language!What are you trying to accomplish with this?Inquiring minds want to know!We're all waiting to see it on horseplop!Keep on embarrassing yourself here in front of everyone!