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The saddest part of SCM is when he states (in his latest video) "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."MP, you will literally die if not able to put out your daily dribble. You pull yourself in!!!I know, I know, I'm a chicken yada yada yada.You're some cheap entertainment and a subject of narcissism like no other! That's it.
My friends? You say you have all this evidence. Where is it? Call me. Ross is done. The other two I wouldn't know if you stood them in front of me..Seth Fishman was dealing out of Wallkill. What's that all about? Jeff Gillis clearly on.the wiretaps. Who's he partnered with again??? Is Ford really taking diet medication instead of just laying off the pork chops?
I still find it disturbing that almost every thread has virtually the same cast of characters, playing the same role, and ends up in the same place-----with M P inserting himself into countless situations and playing a role in whatever is going on. I guess expecting another outcome is simply wasted labor.
He can’t help himself😂
He never met a handout he didn't like. I'm happy for him, he got adopted by the Dreamland farms to be their shit shoveler. Last time a family adopted him- he got them into all kinds of loopy shit (the life of a cop caller)
The other wolf is full of anger, resentment, and releases it under the guise of righteousness and justice. This wolf has to be right, prove himself right, and wanders around looking for wrongs to right, but in the end this wolf is motivated by anger and resentment, and hatred.This wolf will justify and rationalize their negative, unhealthy, poor actions. The smallest thing, something nice or celebratory about another, will set this wolf into a fit of rage. A compliment to another will trigger a fit of temper. This wolf has nothing but negativity. This wolf will fight with anyone, everyone, and for no reason. This wolf cannot think clearly or rationally because the anger and resentment has corrupted their rational, normal thought process. Eventually the hate is so great it is all the fuel that exists. It is helpless anger and hate because it will change nothing. This wolf is unhealthy and is a cancer to himself and the community.
You are nothing but a useless MUTT who never took care of his family You say that you respect Brice and Jason?Secretly recording people is not respect regardless of your reasoning You have had zero impact on making anything better Yes you shovel shit better than most I have to much respect for myself to let you know who I am I know you think everyone is scared of you Truth is everyone is nauseated by you It is just a matter of time before your tenure at Dreamland will come to an end.............. ................. ...
I find this MP saga to be very sad as this guy does have some valid points but he seems to put bullets in everyone who sides with him at some point, I doubt very much that he will recruit new soldiers to fight his fight,,, I do not believe that joining his squad and feeling save about him not turning on you is a possible outcome, A bunch of huge drug users went to jail and not much has changed and the only real person that does anything is GURAL and he gets no help as the BS of you can not get some and not get others surfaces, ,,,,,,,,,,,,IF a cop want to rid the world of drug dealers and his goal is to get every drug dealer it become unrealistic and so putting some away to keep the world save is all he can do and that is exactly what GURAL HAS DONE and even though like many i would like to see BURKE gone but at least he has barred quite a few cheaters and i never read about CHESTER aNd YONKERS that allow ALLARD AND ISTRADA AND MANY OTHERS get chastised like Gural,,,,,,, I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT super horses that come out of burke or tatker or other high percentage cheats race and no one qualifies as great these days from the huge barns,,,,