Author Topic: LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES,2024  (Read 3365 times)

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« on: August 17, 2024, 08:19:39 AM »
Gots some thins to say:
(1) Watched all games so far. How half these teams made it this far is beyound me. Lucky it's a double elimination tourney.
(2) 75% of pitchers are horrendous. Can't get ball over plate. Some scores are like 8-0 and the winnin team only has 2 hits. Everyone walks.
(3) I don't care what team it is so far,but whover catchin,can't catch. Can't really put blame on the cathcher younsters,as the pitchers are wildly all over the place. Never saw so many wild pitches and passed balls.
(4) Home plate umpires are absoulutly ATROUTIOS. Which accounts for 20 walks a game. They call everythin a ball. A couple pitchers were close to tears. The one kid was ready to go beserk and he should have. He was throwing strikes and everytime the ump would say,BALL. They have to show sportsmanship and their told to just have fun. IF it were me at that young age,I would have told umpire too FUC OFF,and would have been barred from rest of tournament. But I played in STONE AGE,when that was acceptable.
(5) I never knew that 12 year old HAWAII kids grow so huge. A couple of them are 6"2" and weigh 195. And the playin against kids 5"2" and weighin 95.
(6) So far. HAWAII,FLORIDA and TAWAIN, are preety good. TAWAIN has some pitcher who turns 13 the day after tourney ends. This kid is brutal. Throws 75 and has a wicked curve. And they can hit.
(7) Every pitcher can throw a curveball. Some also throw sliders. And one kid is a knuckelball pitcher. And you can imagine the catcher on that team tryin to catch the thin.
(8) Still got a week to go before CHAMPIONSHIP game and the best will rise to top. Should be some great games. And got to LOVE the PARENTS: Their cheerin and rootin for their KIDS and TEAMS is what BASEBALL all about.
(9) Last thin: From watchin so far, BASEBALL in deep trouble. It appears KIDS not playin like in years past. They must be participatin in soccer,chess or debate


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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2024, 05:59:49 AM »
Yeasterday games were all double elimination. No teams that won yesterday,will make finals. Today is also double elimination. They suffer same fate.
(1) Not knockin these youngsters. JOHN FRANK ARMY when 12 made the ALL STAR squad which was startin in the journey. His team was the worst. THE CHIEFS. We went 2-19 that year. I played left field and went 2-9 as a pitcher. Back then no one cared if you thru your arm out. My dad who took train to downtown CHICAGO to work,would show up about 5th inning. Half the time we lost by then by slaughter rule. But all me team mates stayed because me dad would buy everythin they wanted at concession stand. GOTS to say this,when talkin about tournament. Every team had to have 1 reb. That be me. We got write ups as one of best all star team in state. Our first game was against a weak CRYSTAL LAKE team. We lost. 3-1. I was relegated to trackin pitches.
(2) Went on to BABE RUTH. Me COACH at first was me little leaque coach. I was strickly a left fielder and preety good. Then one game we was gettin creamed. Me coach calls time out and flags me in from left. He goes: I want you to pitch. The elevated mound and change in distance destroyed me. Walked 3 straight. Called time out and told me coach. I'M otta here. He complied. TOO BE CONTINUED.....


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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2024, 06:38:41 AM »
So's I'M onto me second year of BABE. Me first year coach was like a second father to me. He passed away. Me father also passed. So's I gets this new knucklehead. This guy was BRUTAL. WIN,WIN,WIN,is his moniker. We reports in early march to listen to his BULLSHIT. He sets a BRUTAL pre-season schedule. Playin 12 games against high school teams. In one game,JOHN FRANK slidin home. The plate was uplifted and I turned me ankle. I did not want me MOM to have to pay to go to EMERGENCY room. She could not afford. So we did home remedy's. Elevate and ICE. GOD,was that painful. So a week later: I'ss hobble about a mile and a half to this PRICKS house to go for ride to game. He say's to JOHN FRANK. What you doin here POS. You can't play. JOHN FRANK say's: I'm here to support me team mates and root for them,you POS. You gonna give me a ride or not.
So.I.m healed sumwhat as season begins. About game 5 in regular season,friends of mine and parents decide to take everyone to RIVERVIEW. Greatest amusement park in AMERICA at time. Shitbrain coach has these lists of RULES that everyone must abide by that he distributed in MARCH. One is you must be at park 1 hour prior to game. HEY ,FUCBRAIN: this ain't MAJOR LEAGUES. So's I arrive 30 minutes before game. I'm always,startin left fielder. I'm lacin up me spikes ( and by the way.YA STEEL SPIKES,not the girly sissy shit one sees today) The FUCK say's to JOHN FRANK: WHAT YOU DOIN. I says you fuckin blind. He goes you may as well go home,YOU NOT PLAYIN. TOO BE CONTINUED....


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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2024, 07:00:16 AM »
JOHN FRANK EXPLODES. That's it you FUCKIN POS. FUC OFF. Your FUCKIN RULES are so EXTREME,it's beyound pathetic. And he was a fat ton,FAT BOY. I say's you should follow your own rules and slim down,YOU FAT FUC POS. The crowd and parents went NUTS. They not like JOHN FRANK profanity,but liked me tellin the POS were to go. So's I tell the POS. Trade me to the EAGLES. He goes: you ain't worth a broken bat. Next day,the EAGLES coach calls me. YOU on TEAM. Very nice guy. EAGLES were in last place at time. We only won 2 games that year. And both were against me former coach. JOHN FRANK shined both games. Made some amazin catches in left and drove in all winnin runs. After the second game stooped by me former coach and said: SHOVE THAT UP YOUR ASS. TOO BE CONTINUED....


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« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2024, 07:24:29 AM »
So I moved to AMERICAN LEGION. After facin GARY PETERS, LEFT HANDED great for CHICAGO WHITE SOX,JOHN FRANK went: HARDBALL ain't me game. I bet left and his wicked curve had me dump 3 times strikin out. On me 4th at bat,me couch went: JOHN ,I'M pinch hittin. I went THANKS.
I'ss will say a couple more thins:
(1) Baseball in me day was different from today's version for youngsters. No such thin as polite or sportmans ship. Maybe it was me at time,but I went on to rebel against everythin.
(2) Don't forget. Went on at 16 to win 5 straight bowlin tournaments to win ILLINOIS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. And I would not have won,if the KID who was winnin DAD had not badger me goin in last frame. KID had me. I needed 2 and 8. And his dad,sittin right behind me tellin and screamin: You can't even get one strike. And when I got the first one,he became more extreme,yellin. And the place was packed,rootin for JOHN FRANK. They be silent. Only this fool screamin his head off. I looks at this NUT. I knows he wants his son to win. My DAD,DEAD and would have never done this SHIT that this DAD doin. And he won't stop yellin. I steps off lane and dries me hand on blower. And say's to meself: I'M determined. I need this strike and I'SS will drill it. And I doooes. Turns around and tells that POPPA DAD. WATCH THIS. And I'ss drill the third strike. Then I turns to him and say's. Had you not said anythin: Your son most likly would have won the tournament. You made me DETERMINED to not LOSE. TOO BE CONTINUED....


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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2024, 08:08:46 AM »
Lets go on. DECIDED,I'll try sumthin else. LOVED BASEBALL. I grew up basically in CARPENTERSVILLE,ILLINOIS. MEADOWDALE was built for VETERANS. My father included. And 90% came from CHICAGO and wanted to move to suburbs. And the BESINGERS built it. Knew the GRANDFATHER that started it,his son that took it over and the grandson who runs it now. They all GREAT PEOPLE. Point here is. My DAD and all others who moved to CARPENTERSVILLE, played 16 inch no glove in CHICAGO. It passed to the kids.
I took up 16. WHAT a GAME. You play for the LOVE of IT. It INTENSE and BRUTAL. Played for 22 years. Started out in a few leagues. Went on for years to play CHAMPIONSHIPS with the best. You play from beginning of MAY till end of SEPTEMBER,in 2 leagues and a tournament every weekend. And believe me: This ain't for the DIE OF HEART. FAMILY's put up with this routine. If not,YOU drop out. And the participants are commited. And the game at the time was amazzin.
Got to add this: IF you not a DRINKER,Don't even consider. You most likely are playin everyday,for 6 months. And after every game or tournament you head to your sponser's bar and close up the joint. Not for the faint hearted. GOD: Your opponents in big games are cutthroat:EVERYONE hates each other. There no sympathy. If playin in a tournament like FURLAN'S DUGOUT INN in WISCONSIN: And every team goes in to drink after most games.the WISCONSIN STATE POLICE have to be called to break up fights. GOD.JOHN FRANK ARMY,LOVED 16 inch.


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« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2024, 08:42:19 AM »
Back to little little league. Hope they all have a great time and grow up responsible and learn from their experience.
Don't be like JOHN FRANK. He never did.


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« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2024, 04:00:27 PM »
What a game that just ended. ARUBA VRS VENEZUALA. KNOW that a game. VENULAZA wins 2-1. Know I thought there was some questionable calls. Especially when VENULAWALAS kid bunted and pitcher fielded and tried to tag him out. He missed but the kid clearly after miss ran way out of baseline and was declared safe at first. So's ARUBA brings in their star pitcher. Basses loaded. He strikes out his first batter for 2 outs. The count on next batter is 2 and 2. He becomes visibly upset when he not get strike 3. But that thin was way outside. He emotional and catcher has to come out and settle. There NO CRYIN in BASEBALL. But they young. He appereared to be afraid to throw next pitch. Should have brought in another pitcher. Hw threw it way wide and walk in winnin run. But I'M tellin YA. What a great game. ARUBA out and VENULAWALZA advances. HAWWAII playin now. They need to win as they lost a tough game yesterday. They up 2-zip in 3rd. Trust me,They will win. They GOOD.


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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2024, 04:33:21 PM »
Better than watching Major League Baseball!  More exciting games (as the tournament winds down) and better announcers too!  Some of these announcers should be doing MLB games!


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« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2024, 04:36:19 PM »
Gotta say sumthin else.
The young good lookin lady who doin broadcast.
They have a back hill behind left field that kids use usin cardboard to slide down. She got in a double sitter like cardboard derby with about 50 others competin. Her and the other little guy in container WON. It was GREAT. She then got surronded by about 200 swarmin the WINNER. That was great.


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« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2024, 04:50:05 PM »
I gotta say one more thin.
These kids are great fielders. They make amazin plays. And outfielders have strong arms.
I'M not sure if they moved fence back. But you only see a few home runs,when in past years that was a common.


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« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2024, 02:39:06 PM »
Gots me some points to make about SATURDAY'S games.
INTERNATIONAL: VENUZAWALA VRS TAIWAN. VEN is a great team,but TAIWAN is so complete. I see TAIWAN,takin this. Both teams are great fielders and can hit. But TAIWAN can hit better. And it will boil to pitchin. VEN has kinda used their up. TAIWAN,rested.
AMERICAN: FLORIDA VRS TEXAS. Missed most TEXAS games but saw all FLORIDA games. All I can say is,should be interisting. But TEXAS rested.
(1) I really have a question here. This a double elimination tourney. TEXAS and TAIWAN have not lost a game. FLORIDA and VEN have. They sayin that whoever wins game,moves on to SUNDAY CHAMPIONSHIP. I get there a dis-advantage for FLORIDA and VEN because they had to play 3 days in row. But that what double elim is all about. You givin second chance. JOHN FRANK ARMY probably played in 600 double elims tourneys when he played. If you come out of losers bracket and make finals,you got to beat the undeafeated team twice in a row. Who makin up these little league rules.
(2) Watchin yesterday: Saw 2 youngsters get beaned in their skulls with fastballs. Those helmets must be very good. And the kids were so happy to get beaned. Thin is: these kids hug the plate. Had one hit in upper shoulder and he waltzin towards first. Called back. The kid was leanin over and the pitch was called a strike. Reminds one of DON ZIMMER. Guy got beaned once and had to have metal plate implanted in his skull. Security at airports had to finnaly learn who he was and let him thru metal security. Did not seem to bother him when he continued playin. Always leaned in and I believe holds the record by bein hit by pitches ever.


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« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2024, 05:11:10 AM »
One last thin before today's games. Internation rules must be different than American rules.
Here JAPAN,thursday. The Japan coach pulls all the gimmicks out. They battin in bottom of 6th. Bases loaded with 2 outs. So he decides to take runner at first and switch him to 3rd. Runner at second goes to 1st and runner at 3rd goes to second. I imagine the reason for this : is he puttin his fastest runner on 3rd in case a wild pitch or passed ball. The UMPS not sure what the heck goin on. This takes 10 minutes. In me days,never saw anythin like this. Know that over and then the JAPAN coach calls time out again to talk to home plate umpire. He goes: Me hitter comin up is sick. OK, I get that. Time for pinch hitter. NO! It not work that way. The next batter in line up gets to bat. He JAPANS best hitter. Were they come up with that rule. I get JAPAN coach doin everythin to help his team win and it is stratigic although appears quite shady. Anyhow the kid hits high fly to right and ball caught near warnin track. Game over.
I'll say this about JAPAN kids. Everytime they reach a base and time out,they bow to umpire. As far as losin,you won't see one cry. That not in their culture. But as far as the coach goes: I can picture him goin back to hotel room and falling on SAMUARI SWORD.
On to todays games.


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« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2024, 05:48:11 AM »
Back to 16 for a moment. And fights.
WEESE playin the BOBCATS and they #1 in country. I hits left handed and drives ball down left field line. A sure double.
JAKE JOCOBY their first baseman. The greatest hitter ever in 16. Not power but he could place hit that 16 anywhere he wanted to on field. And not a big guy,but a total arrogant POS. So I'm just roundin first headin to second and the FUC sticks his foot out to trip me. And I goes tumblin. Thought I broke me arm. Me crawls back to first. SHITHEAD ,JACOBY laughin. I calls time out and flattens the FUC with left hook. Teams go bezerk. Jacoby tryin his best to kill me and I gets another great shot to his skull. When all said and done,he and I were kicked out of game. Me for instigatin fight and him for his gratious trip. replacement runner got awarded second base. We lost game 3-2. But we should have won. Me takin out of game hurt the team. But that 16. The game was BRUTAL. We beat CATS in other games.
Thank god little league ain't played like this. But we was ADULTS that at times were deemed INSANE. I guess we were KIDS that really never grew up. LOVED 16. No sport like it.
I'll mention one other thin. That was a sport. NO one could beat a major 16 team. That includes MAJOR LEAGUES playin our game. WE were the best at what we did. NO GLOVES and that CLINCHER was hard as a rock. I've got 3 broken fingers from playin. Fingers bent. But when one happens you just tape it up when you playin. No one goes to EMERGENCY room for anythin. Run into former players and they will show you all their broken fingers.
Thats it. On to the KIDS WORLD SERIES.


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« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2024, 07:23:46 AM »
Missed the TAWAIN game. Thought it was on ESPN. Did not realize it on NBC or was it ABC. In any event caught the TEXAS VRS FLORIDA game.
And I gots to tell YA: What a GAME. FLORIDA is called the "COMEBACK KIDS", they have done this whole tourney. They never give up or quit. And they were GREAT. Not takin anythin away from TEXAS. But again I will say this. Texas went into game undeafeated. They deserved after 1 loss to face FLORIDA again. But so be not these crazy little league rules.

TODAY'S games: TEXAS VRS VEN for 3rd place. And there no dishonor finishing 4th. Not like NCAA college basketball,where they no play that game anymore. Both teams decimated by pitchin at this point. Ven lost yesterday because they gave up a zillion walks. Also,wild and passed. Have no idea who either of these teams is gonna pitch today. I'm sure coaches are excluded. NO matter. I gots to give this game to VEN. After losin to toughest team in tournament,TAIWAN. I think they up for this one. They very good. Although DRAFT DODGIN FAT FUC would hope they LOSE. He would say all these little SHITS are future terriosts that come from PRIZONS and MENTAL INSTITUTIONS.

TAIWAN VRS FLORIDA. TAIWAN used their best pitcher yesterday to reach the finals. And that KID is GREAT. Again not sure of these crazy rules. Accordin to me: He might be able to come in late and close out game. But,who knows. A person could spend a year tryin to encipher the encyclopedia of rules they have here. For all I know: they might say. In last game,rules no longer apply. PITCHER can start and throw until he has to be takin out for arm surgery.
From the start I said: TAIWAN very good. FLORIDA is very good. TAWAIN is small and FLORIDA has some bruisin big kids. And the FLORIDA kids take some brutal swings when they miss. TAWAIN,looks at a lot of pitches and they draw walks. FLORIDA,free swining. But don't get me wrong here. They can connect. And they both field like major leaguers,especially in infield. And both can turn double plays. I'm goin say this a very close game,but high scorin. I give it to TAWAIN. Since I predicted that. It will end up goin 1-0 in extra.


shout out

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