Author Topic: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.  (Read 2147 times)

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CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« on: August 29, 2024, 02:45:57 PM »
The WITCH JUDGE,GUT,PIRRO,and JESSE defendin TRUMP'S visit to ARLINGTON. Hope HAROLD ain't representin the DEM side. He so agrees with everythin they say.
And by the way: He needs a new line. Everytime he goes: I got 2 thins to say. And first he goes: JUDGE I AGREE with you. What that she tells him in green room that she's has 32 face lifts. I need JESSICA. She tells truth,and then is constantly interupted by the other conspiricy SHITBAGS......Too be continued...


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2024, 03:42:02 PM »
Alright here goes. TRUMP at it again. Usin photo OP for political purposes. It against FEDERAL LAW At ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETARY. He don't care. He smilin and giving thumps up at sacred graves. Look at me. They DEAD and me alive and visiting and I don't care if this against the FEDERAL LAW. I DON"T give a SHIT. I'm TRUMP and LAWS DON"T APPLY to ME. REMEMBER: I went to a MILITARY HIGH SCHOOL and that better than anyone that actually served.
So's let me ask everyone this: His group was told to not doo POLITICAL crap in grave site. No pictures or any political remarks. His entourage does not comply. They verbally abuse the woman doin her job and then push her out of way. And I saw early clips that are being removed. TRUMP goin: BIDEN and HARRIS caused all these deaths. I;never let any be killed why me in charge. This SHIT BRAIN broke sacred rules. Again DEFILES fallen soldiers for his own benifit. And it a FEDERAL LAW.
So lets go to this:
(1) Mike JOHNSON was the one: HEAD OF HOUSE that got TRUMP there. That's NICE. Should HE, JUNGLE JIM, and JIMMY COMER not open a investigation into what TRUMP and STAFF did there. By the way: JOHNSON comes out to say that the female employee is mentally unstable and needs to be put in a mental institution. That comment works with voters.
(2) What we all missin here. DRAFT DODGER MOLESTER INSANE FUC has been convicted on 31 counts. He must report to probationary officer every 30 days. And got NEWS for YOU MAGA FUCKS. Terms of probation are you must not break laws. And the FAT FUC DID. Any common citizen do this: probation revoked and you go to jail.
And don't give me this shit. Others are released earilier. They skip court and have a great time findin them. TRUMP needs to head back to court for VIOLATIN his terms of PAROLE.
BUT the FAT FUCK BLIMP just eats his 17 double cheezzeburgers everyday and heads to his next rally, oblivious that he talkin and sayin exact same thin he has said forlast 90 days,with no substance.
Oh,FORGOT meself. He now gooooiiinnng stranger. He tellin everyone that the kid that made attempt on his LIFE, was backed by DEMOCRATS. There's you goes. The kid walkin looked like he never owned any cloths in his life.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2024, 05:18:20 PM »
All politicians do that John  ngc3

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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2024, 10:17:58 PM »
Alright here goes. TRUMP at it again. Usin photo OP for political purposes. It against FEDERAL LAW At ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETARY. He don't care. He smilin and giving thumps up at sacred graves. Look at me. They DEAD and me alive and visiting and I don't care if this against the FEDERAL LAW. I DON"T give a SHIT. I'm TRUMP and LAWS DON"T APPLY to ME. REMEMBER: I went to a MILITARY HIGH SCHOOL and that better than anyone that actually served.
So's let me ask everyone this: His group was told to not doo POLITICAL crap in grave site. No pictures or any political remarks. His entourage does not comply. They verbally abuse the woman doin her job and then push her out of way. And I saw early clips that are being removed. TRUMP goin: BIDEN and HARRIS caused all these deaths. I;never let any be killed why me in charge. This SHIT BRAIN broke sacred rules. Again DEFILES fallen soldiers for his own benifit. And it a FEDERAL LAW.
So lets go to this:
(1) Mike JOHNSON was the one: HEAD OF HOUSE that got TRUMP there. That's NICE. Should HE, JUNGLE JIM, and JIMMY COMER not open a investigation into what TRUMP and STAFF did there. By the way: JOHNSON comes out to say that the female employee is mentally unstable and needs to be put in a mental institution. That comment works with voters.
(2) What we all missin here. DRAFT DODGER MOLESTER INSANE FUC has been convicted on 31 counts. He must report to probationary officer every 30 days. And got NEWS for YOU MAGA FUCKS. Terms of probation are you must not break laws. And the FAT FUC DID. Any common citizen do this: probation revoked and you go to jail.
And don't give me this shit. Others are released earilier. They skip court and have a great time findin them. TRUMP needs to head back to court for VIOLATIN his terms of PAROLE.
BUT the FAT FUCK BLIMP just eats his 17 double cheezzeburgers everyday and heads to his next rally, oblivious that he talkin and sayin exact same thin he has said forlast 90 days,with no substance.
Oh,FORGOT meself. He now gooooiiinnng stranger. He tellin everyone that the kid that made attempt on his LIFE, was backed by DEMOCRATS. There's you goes. The kid walkin looked like he never owned any cloths in his life.

Man you're one dumb bastard! You think you're a military man, "you ain't", you couldn't graduate kindergarten! Trump was asked by some of the fallen soldiers families to lay a wreath at the 3rd anniversary of their deaths. This wasn't political, but dumb bastards like you think it's ok to smear the blood of these fallen soldiers, and make it political! THESE WERE THE WISHES OF THE FALLEN SOLDIERS FAMILIES! YOU MAKE ME SICK YOU FREAK!


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2024, 08:31:05 AM »
I respect that.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2024, 03:13:35 PM »
OH GOD.if there is one: Please help JOHN FRANK ARMY here.
Alright, HARNESS BOY, FOALIN at 4. Guess that means you never made it out of pre-school. God: JOHN FRANK ARMY tryin to be nice here. IT ain't workin.
(2) JOHN FRANK ARMY in 1968 dropped out of ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE on DEAN'S LIST in late april to get drafted. He watched a WAR goin on. Early JUNE he in: ARMY.
(3) He got out in early JUNE,1970. He went back to college and got a BS.MS. and post grad called CAP. That called a 2 year advanced: CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL STUDY.
(4) Your problem,pre-schooler you no not how to read as 99% of MAGA FUCKS. FAT FUC BLIMP DRAFT DODGIN boy (and thats little print for a reason), Has gone out of his way to explain. He know goin it was not me mistake, it was the 3 gold star family's. They insisted on pictures. IT WAS THEM,NOT ME. The 500lb whale never accepts responsibility for anythin. Too be continued.....


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2024, 03:26:49 PM »
And his UTAH lovin GOVONER was with him. He was usin the photo's for his upcomin election. The family of a grave next to were FAT BOY was smilin and caught thumps and sayin: BIDEN and HARRIS caused your son's death. I would have never let this happen. And MR. UTAH puts this out for his re=election. IT against THE LAW AT ARLINGTON to do this SHIT. FAT BLIMP: IT the GOLD STAR FAMILY'S FAULT. NOT ME THE FUCKIN FAT SLOP.
(3) lets get into sumthin else here. You QUESTIONING JOHN FRANK ARMY and FALLEN. TOOO BE CONTINUED....


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2024, 04:05:18 PM »
Don't ever 4,question me SERVICE. YA,JOHN FRANK ARMY told OFFICERS were to go. But me quess is, you never served. JOHN FRANK ARMY might have been dis-obediant at times, but he was LOYAL TO COUNTRY and his fellow ENLISTED.
(5) KNOW you got JOHN FRANK ARMY RILED. From BASIC to DISCHARGE. I did and experienced IT ALL. FALLEN SOLDIERS accordin to you.
(6) Waitin at DUGWAY,for future orders. The joint on a FREZZE at moment. Unless you in durin this period you would not know. It means no one allowed to leave,because of shortage. Trainin over and I not gonna sit around. So'S I follunter for SHIT.
   (!) Volunteered for a BODY ESCORT. That be a DEAD killed soldier ARMY comin back from VIET. I was a E-5 at time and one must be same rank and service as deceased. This FRISCO airport. You stand in military DRESS GREENS and salute as coffin is unloaded and takin to funeral director's hearse. I talks with director and he gonna drive remains back to POCATTELO,IDAHO. I'ss drives along with him to funeral home. Obviously that takes hours. He goes: You know anythin about deceased. I goes no,but there a rental car awaitin when we reach town and I must go contack parents and if they prefer bring them immediatly to your place. And that's what JOHN FRANK ARMY DOOOEEES. I'm just a escort. With parents all i can do is explain funeral arrangements,if they need hell gettin there and answerin small time military questions. And I must be there helpin them at wake and funeral. So's the first thin is wen I arrive at house. Would you prefer to go to funeral home know or wait for wake. MOM goes: I want to see my SON now. OK. I drives them to home. I tells the director,the family would like to view their son know. He pulls me aside. JOHN, this viewin at wake will be closed casket. I would recommend they not view. His head was blown off and I had to sew it back on. OH BOY!. So.s I go out to father and explains this to him. He tells MOM,his wife. She insists to see her SON. We goes in. DIRECTOR lifts top of casket and MOM passes out . CHRIST. I almost did too. TOOO BE CONTINUEEED.....


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2024, 04:40:20 PM »
And if that ain't bad enough: went on a BODY NOTIFICATION. I think 4 you get what that means. JESUS CHRIST.
You go with a OFFICER. He takes and again someone of same rank enlisted as deceased. That ME,JOHN FRANK ARMY,E-5.
OFFICER do all the talkin,thank god. He done this SHIT quite a few times. So's he knocks on door. The young lady who as she told me 5 minutes later was 19.
So the officer goes: Are you the wife of E-5,so and so. She goes yes. HE GOES: Some memerized written script. The DEPARTMENT OF ARMY regrettfully has to inform you that your HUSBAND has been killed IN ACTION in VIET NAM,on whatever date that was. SHE'S bewilledered. He goes on: Do you have anyone here that can help support you at this moment. She don't even know what to say. OFFICER re-itterates. She goes my MOM is workin near-by. He goes: do you have her work #. I have to call her,which he does. After his conversation on phone,he tells her. I'M gonna go pic up your MOM. Then he say's to me: I'll be back.
Let me tell you sumthin 4. One can not be commpassionate. You can't answer questions or touch the individual. She cryin non-stop,soppin. She goes and brings me a letter. She goes: I got this yesterday. I explains: I'M not allowed.
This whole time,JOHN FRANK ARMY thinkin. WHAT THE FUC. Where is you CAPTAIN. CHRIST he was gone for about 20 minutes which seemed like 20 hours. And when he returns he reads more memorized script. You are entitled to a $10,000 death benificary. And if you choose a MILITARY FUNERAL,UNCLE SAM will contack you in a few days. The funeral will be on us. If you decide not,all expenses will be yours.

After we left. JOHN FRANK ARMY asked the OFFICER. HOW the FUC can you do this SHIT all the time. His reply: Someone got to do it. TOOO BE CONTINUUED.....


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2024, 05:03:41 PM »
One last thin: On funeral details. First on FIRIN team and then for a short period as firin party leader,before me shipped.
SAW these famil]s burin their loved ones that DIED in VIET.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2024, 05:06:04 PM »
You tell JOHN FRANK ARMY again: Who knows more about DEAD SOLDIERS and respectin them.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2024, 06:45:22 PM »
HEY forgot to mention: Anyone see the FAT FUC BLIMP DRAFT DODGER on HANNITY about a week ago.
HE gonning SEAN; The WITHDRAWALAW in AFGAN was like NOTHIN anyone has ever seen before. How mant times does this FAT WHALE SHIT say: NOTHIN LIKE ANYTHIN ever seen before. SOhe goes on to say: There were thousands of people clingin to military plane. At 3000 feet they all fell off to their death. WAY to go FATBOY PRICK. Not one person at any altitutude fell to their death. But MAGAS believe this SHITHEAD.
AND JOHN FRANK ARMY will mention another thin. YES: regret those that DIED that day.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2024, 06:47:55 PM »
But since your all like your little SISSY GIRL,FAT BLIMP LOVER TRUMP,nothin JOHN FRANK ARMY say's can change you SISSY'S opinions.

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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2024, 09:21:16 PM »
JOHN FRANK, you're one lying, sick ass, retarded freak!


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2024, 02:53:46 PM »
JOHN FRANK ARMY'S life has been out on horseracin sites for 38 years. He tells his life story over those years. Sumthin,no others do. And I get,that peoples can find out SHIT about peoples by goin to FACEBOOK,TWITTER, and other crazy SHIT out there for free. One better believe: JOHN FRANK ARMY has never partaken in any SHIT like that. That for FAGGOOOOTS,WOMEN and little girls. Which category do your LOVER TRUMP fall into. Let's see. The fat fuckin BLIMP,goes and posts on his TRUTH non-stop.
AND the fat BLIMP,say's CRAP that should have his ASS thrown in prison. Did you listen to the CRAZED FUC today at ECONOMIC peoples for AMERICA. What a SPEECH: Promised everythin,but all dead souls rising from the dead. And he breaks up his crazy talk at one point to say: Don't forget,I have refrigerator magnets comin out know. DONALD TRUMP. They might cost more than any other because they will be collectibles. And it a minuture of his bee sting. Should he not explain the stock failure of his TRUTH SOCIAL,when explainin ECONOMY. Wait" That BIDEN and HARRIS fault. TOOO BEE CONTINUEEED.


shout out

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