And I doooeeeses it if anyone might be interested to bet on-line and youuse me selections. And believe me when I am much better than any individual that charges for selections. Years ago, I tore TB'S handicappers apart with their pay for selections. the one FUC in VEGAS,said he knew who I be and was goin have his connections in CHICAGO have me KILT. Didn.t stop me. Called his 800 # non-stop and left messages. You FUC: QUIT your fuckin SCAM. He finnaly picked up. He goes your frietnin me family and I'M goin have you arrested. Go ahead SCAMMER BOY. JOHN FRANK ARMY scared SHITLESS,you fuckin POS. And these scammer boys still at it. They NO NOT anythin. I'll say one thin though. JOHN FRANK ARMY never backed down from anyone. But I never had KIDS and could do whatever I wanted without fear. If one be a family man,I can understand not provokin anyone.
(3) So,another point. I'm not actually bettin all these games. I don't bet on=line. Too easy for UNCLE to see yooouse a gambler. I'll go to CASINO by me at times to make bet. But I am not a straight bettor.
It like I bettin a TRI in TB'S and I don't do that hardly. I never BOX. I always take the horse I feel strongly about and key on top with 4 or 5 underneath.
It the same with SPORTS. My normal bet is a $50.00 parley. And I take my stongest most confident winner and then key it on top of 2 or 3 others. Or just a 2 team parley if I don't like a lot of games.
(4) So again. I do this if others like followin and play selections. Hopefully they makin some money on me good days. And it FREE.
So's I gots no idea how to explain a $100.00 total wager each week on meeesses plays.