THis sympathetic speel from DRAFT DODGERS wife. Thats his 3rd,RIGHT. One was not enough. He also a RAPIST,RIGHT.
DRAFT DODGER seems like a normal HUMAN,if one likes ATTILA THE HUN.
SHE goin: I knows he 50 years older than me. And he was great gettin me and my MOTHER citizenship in USA. He a wonderful HUMAN BEIN. If not for the MOOLA I'M goin have to fight for with JR. And ERIC, I would give the DRAFT DODGIN FUC more condolances. I spend all my time with me DARLIN HUSBAND.
Thats why I spend all me time in AUSTRIA. He loves me and has never spent a day out of probertires he owns. HE A CHICKEN SHIT. OPPS, I never said that. His 2 sons lke huntin. They been eveywhere killin game. They WONDURFUL. I LOVES THEM,Although I want me SON to get LION share. He gonna be taller than KARREMM ABDUL JABBAR.That's why I say: My HUSBAND LOVES EVERYONE.