I read the complaint. The SBOANJ are looking to hold track ownership "accountable"-----and the lawsuit alleges that track ownership breached its contractual obligations to the SBOANJ concerning:
1) The general operations of Freehold Raceway,
2) The sharing of sports wagering revenues generated through Freehold Raceway,
3) Track ownership "has been evading its responsibilities under an agreement with the SBOANJ to maintain the Raceway, provide a safe condition for patrons and racing participants, and to make necessary repairs."
Now, for # 3, the SBOANJ references an "agreement"----and I have not seen or read that agreement----but I am sure the breach, if in fact there is one, is not absolute. I am sure like with any dispute over an agreement, each party interprets it in the way that suits their position, LOL. I am sure track ownership is confident they could simply close the doors any time they want.
The SBOANJ emphatically states that track ownership owes the SBOANJ hundreds of thousands of dollars from sports betting (as required by a revenue sharing agreement). Well, that should be clear-cut, LOL. Not so fast! LOL.
Perhaps complicating this is the fact that NJ has a brand new (Acting) Director of the NJRC. Her name is Sara Ben-David. Some of you NJ people may recognize her name. She's a former DAG, was with the Division of Gaming Enforcement, and she handled complex casino licensing hearings. However, this plays out----one thing is clear to me----she should make sure that $1.6mm goes to and stays with the standardbred industry! Period. Let the SBOANJ, which represents horsemen here in NJ, let them be the stewards and direct those monies toward the standardbred industry and the people who were supposed to get it-----the horsemen at Freehold! Have a Freehold meet somewhere and let them have the money!