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I remember Edgewood Duke
o my gosh really ?...you and maybe 4 other people lol.........i remember the night we claimed him off a guy named William Whitwell,,he said Duke was a cripple and had maybe 4 or 5 starts left in him...put the fear of god in me lol but we held on to Duke for well over a year before he was claimed away...won some money for me...but i still remember his great personality, warm and friendly....alway s shook his head from side to side as he approached the starting gate, but when the race started he was all business......... .his nick name was Leopard Man because he had spots all over his body..only cosmetic and never effected his performance....Du ke was a cheap claimer but to that young kid of 23/24,,he was a FFA er.....
I followed cheap claimers. Do you remember Leo Law?
Ironstone Dynamo with Syl King Junior.The horse's head was so low to the track while he was racing his chin was scraping the dirt.