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I'm sure you are aware there was no income tax before 1913. All the money collected to run the US govt was from tariffs.
A small group of my closest friends know who I am on this site. I just had one of them called me laughing, "if only this idiot knew who you were". He agreed you were a loooooser!
I know quite a bit about you. What part of the state of NY you're from.. what connection you have to the business . I won't dox you because it's uncool and classless. Who gives a flying about you? No offense, but a guy who can't spell a simple word doesn't have my respect A person in the business who does for example would be my longtime friend George Segal. Him I do respect. Quit while you're way behind
Tariffs are already going to affect us. Businesses are stockpiling and buying as much overseas stuff because of what Trump is going to do. It is a FACT that if Trump does as promised then the economy will be in the shitter. The rest of the world will suffer but the rest of the world will not put up with this dumbass POS for long. I will bet anyone that if he implements all this shit and deports 11 million people then this country and its economy will be destroyed.Watch him try to deport non-criminals out of NY and California. They will kick him and his Feds out He will have to get the military involved and good luck with that. He sure will not get the National Guard from those states to help him. He will tank the economy as the experts say, so sit and back watch. The MAGAts will start crying when he treats them like he does everyone else
You do know Elon had conversations with Putin many times over the last year. I am not saying that there was voter fraud but it quite fucked up that a US citizen is having conversations with him when he is trying to make a land grab in Europe. I also believe it is illegal. Luckily there are no laws in this country anymore because if Elon ever went to jail he would get an automatic pardon from Trump. Wait until he pardons the racists 3 percenters and "Proud" Boys from January 6.
Criminal illegals should be deported, I agree 100 percent.It is also a fact that the amount of illegals who commit crimes is minimal to people born here. It's been like that for years. We only here about the ones who do come and commit rape and murder because Republicans cherry pick them.Regular people from other countries should come in legally and go through the correct channels. The Republicans, led by the Senator from Oklahoma, had a bipartisan agreement to have many more agents and more secure borders, which was said to be one of the strongest border bills. Trump killed it because he didn't like it happening while Biden and co were in chargeIt is fine to deport the criminal illegals but if they deport the others, U can bet no American is going to do farm work and if they get rid of even a million or two, the economy is going to crash. And because we will have to eat the tariffs the economy will be in the gutter as fast as it took the Twin Towers to come down.Trump needs to listen to his economists, u can bet they are against his plan to do tariffs.
Elon Musk was with Trump when they spoke to Zelensky. Elon Musk also was on the call with Putin who asked a favor for China to not give Taiwan Starlink. Trump is going to enrich himself by making money off foreign governments like he did last time. No secret will be safe. I have a very good friend in government from another country who said The Five Eyes agreement with Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Great Britain will have trouble trusting what intelligence is passed on because Trump was not trustworthy last time. This person I know is not in intelligence himself but is close to someone that is who voiced great concern that he has been elected again.
I can't see,but I can now.Better re-visit those calculations. It was for no more than 4,999 a month. we will round to 5,000. In any event much less than your projections. And DRAFT DODGER wanted it killed. And the little DWARF JOHNSON,the puppet made it happen.
Tariffs are already going to affect us. Businesses are stockpiling and buying as much overseas stuff because of what Trump is going to do. It is a FACT that if Trump does as promised then the economy will be in the shitter. The rest of the world will suffer but the rest of the world will not put up with this dumbass POS for long. I will bet anyone that if he implements all this shit and deports 11 million people then this country and its economy will be destroyed.Pickurosi needs lots of $$ for everything. Her love for illegals has broke her , n y c and big n y cities are broke. She needs $ for subways , terminals, roads, water lines you name it. The city is in shambles. Fun show coming up. Watch him try to deport non-criminals out of NY and California. They will kick him and his Feds out He will have to get the military involved and good luck with that. He sure will not get the National Guard from those states to help him. He will tank the economy as the experts say, so sit and back watch. The MAGAts will start crying when he treats them like he does everyone else