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Here another one
« on: December 05, 2024, 05:59:27 PM »
the CEO of Whatever the insurance company. that be AARP. So the guy screwed investors out of 36 billion. Because he took shares out that he owned and cashed in for 15 million. Who cares. It his shares and he can do whatever he wants with them. Is he suppossied to hang on to them and will them out to grandchildren.
But the QUESTION is. WHY he need the 15 MILLION. Why that withdraweeal.
(1) It obvious that they gonna catch the shooter,even though he thought this hit was perfect. Know his face is out there. Someone will recognize who he be.
(2) I do not think this some guy who is pissed off at coverage.
(3) If one lives in MINNISSOTA,there not a lot to do. If you like jumpin off ski's sailin thru air,and they train there for OLYMPICS that a great thin to do. Or if in WINTER, a POLAR BEAR strays to far south,you got yourself a trophy. And if you like shoppin,I think they have the largest mall in USA.
(4)2 thins cross me mind. But BOOKIES,don't usually take out peoples. They would rather wait,until you pay up.
    BUT DRUGS could be a different story. And his organization in charge of that. Donut hole and all that SHIT. And maybe he doooes a lot of them himself. CARTELS.
(5) But my #1 suspect is his WIFE. Who answers the phone and talks to NBC a hour after murder and states: Me husband had alot of threats and then clams up. And also calmly says: I must talk to me children. Who wants to live in MINNIE. YES it's the first person one needs to interrogate. Maybe TATOO can waterboard her.


shout out

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