Author Topic: What dis you IDIOTS that love DRAFT DODGER expect.  (Read 683 times)

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What dis you IDIOTS that love DRAFT DODGER expect.
« on: December 13, 2024, 04:49:10 AM »
The fat BLIMP wo campaigned on lower grocery prices and watchin his tables full of foodstufes,now says that may not be able to accomplish. Say's it gonna take a lot of time to bring prices down. At his RALLY'S and everyone of his MANIAC FUCS screamin: YES BLIMP will lower our food costs. NOW he states that not gonna happen. States: INFLATION that he promised would go down is very difficult to do. As if a individual beyound a 5th grade education was not aware. But you fucs still attemptin to get out of 3rd grade,yellin and screamin DONALD TOLD US,he will deliver. And you FUCS believed everythin the FAT DRAFT DODGIN FUC said.
The BLIMP now retrackin on his transgender stance. He know goin their a place for all in AMERICA. Again another point he drove home in his RALLY RANTS. And his QUEER rally goers,screamin get rid off transgenders, GAYS, DONALD the LYIN FUC gonna do it.
There is nuttin this LYIN SHIT on his campaighn rhetoric is gonna do.
Yeah he threatens he gonna put a 25% tareff on all goods fron MEXICO and CANADA. That won't raise prices dramatically. And GASOLINE by me is $3.30 a gallon. Can't wait till JANUARY 2026,when it gonna be $1.65. Ain't gonna happen: Another fuckin LIE.
And don't forget: The lyin SLOP sayin he gonna deport everyone. Sayin I will not seperate family's. If one has to go: They all go. Maybe the hillybilly shits in WESTERN North Carolina can fill jops by those that will be empty. After all: These FUCKS refuse to get into a shelter and prefer to live in tents right next to is it a river or creek or stream that flloded and killed family and friends. How they makin out. I'll tell ya: None of the FUCS work and just complain that free money ain't comin in fast enough. Maybe they can write a book about their experiences,but since they can't read or write i'm not sure how that would work. Guessin they could hook up with FOX and FRIENDS and their own publishin company. They will GHOST WRITE for them,like they do for all their SHITSHOW hosts and then claim it a #1 bestseller.


  • Stakes Horse
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Re: What dis you IDIOTS that love DRAFT DODGER expect.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2024, 12:32:18 PM »
How about the clowns that want to do away with the FDIC and the polio vaccine?  Still over 1 month to go and the shitshow is starting courtesy of his billionaire buddies.


  • NW-1
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Re: What dis you IDIOTS that love DRAFT DODGER expect.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2024, 01:59:57 PM »
Dingus the administration never said that your watching fake news


  • NW-1
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Re: What dis you IDIOTS that love DRAFT DODGER expect.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2024, 08:37:10 AM »
they just be trolling articles nothing more.


shout out

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