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Those YouTubes of special needs Joe and fake gangster Larry were hilarious!🤣
You must’ve gotten set up in Goshen. I’m sure everybody’s overjoyed to have your back. Maybe one of those resources could support your family.
Joe Alborano speaks like he is special needs!
Kirby's Ace used to be a rival of SCM...now encouraging peace!
Typical ass kisser.
Coming from a cock sucker, I'll call that a compliment!
It's Christmas!
Talks like a cartoon character. Wait till I tell the whole story about his latest scam trying to buy Dreamland with the rest of his clan. They had no idea I've been on them all along and we waited till a buyer was lined up. Ask them what happened to the first clown they sent to try and swindle Gina a guy named Ricky. I busted him and called him out. They NEVER came back to the farm. Part of my job was to protect Gina from clowns like them, and I did. Was a complete success for all of us. Plus I got my mare. Christmas came early.
Uh huh. They got busted. By ME. Deal with it. Who's gonna call Tina tonight? We've been onto all the bullshit for months. Thanks to.....ME.