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He gives a good portion of that supposed $600k to rebates-mostly Elite but there are plenty of smaller rebate shops that get the restsince Elite accounts for at least half the handle--rumored to be at about 10%--that would be Elite getting $300k of that $600k you speak oftheir Sunday night handle will be better than expected--Pompano and Cal Expo would have their highest handles on Sunday nights
just another comment on betting after the bell.....ALL the Elite bets are made after every other dollar is wagered--they are allowed to perform "pool analysis" then are allowed to be the last bets made--wouldn't one assume, if all the other dollars are allowed to bet up until the very last second, that the Elite dollars are inherently made after the race starts?I know for a fact that Lexington and a hub in Oregon (most likely others also)are allowed to bet after the race starts--since that is true--then Elite bets after they do--that automatically proves that Elite is allowed to bet after the bell even more so than Lexington/Oregon hubs.I say there is the undeniable proof.
since Elite accounts for at least half the handle--rumored to be at about 10%--that would be Elite getting $300k of that $600k you speak of
1st you said CAWS are half the handle, now you say ELITE is half the handle...CAWS are not anywhere near half the handle.......... Just a number you MADE-UP!2nd There are no open windows PERIODYOU & a few others keep repeating this same BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!NO FACTS just Made-up BULLSHIT......... ....... The Sad thing is some people will believe you! Why don't you tell us how the Moon landing was FAKED?
they should go to 1 day a week racing on Sunday nights when virtually nobody else is racing-that works well-look at how much Harrahs PHL handled on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve
Except they had over 400 horses entered on Friday and Saturday.Even at 10 horses per race for the 28 races, that left over 120 horses not racing that week. Your suggestion to race just Sunday is a quick way to kill the sport with so many horses sitting in their stalls.
Saturday 1/4 handle $3,097,6431/2 reaching $3 million $149,124 below break even point
Friday 1/10 handle $3,068,9242/3 reaching $3 million $80,200 below break even point