Author Topic: TATOO BOY today.  (Read 1321 times)

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TATOO BOY today.
« on: January 14, 2025, 06:28:34 PM »
Yeah,JOHN FRANK ARMY watched it all. Wanted to go and get some SHIT done but could not leave. Stayed for the 5 hour BS by TATOO.
LETS start:
(1) His raucous welcome by supposied VETERANS when he walked into chambers. That was evidently pre-arranged. Do they allow hats in the chamber, or are MAGA FRUITS not allowed. And JOHN FRANK ARMY will say this: I guarrentee, there NO VETS from my ERA supportin this JAG OFF. And you saw how he TATOO BOY tried to explain his JAG OFF.
(2) Like how TATOO started his speech: My life has changed since I met me wife and accepted GOD and RELIGION and both saved me. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Any soldier can read thru that BULLSHIT. So your life has changed, from WHAT. Oh WAIT. Bein a DRUNK, SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, Improprieties involvin financial manipulation. YEAH: JESUS saved you. And every allegation in your previous years is nothin but BULLSHIT LIES.
(3) TATOO asked I not like me superios when me in. Lifetime GENERALS no nuttin. If I feel a need to replace,I will. Let,JOHN FRANK ARMY get this straight. GENERALS who have spent their life in MILITARY, TATOO statin his LOVER BOY DRAFT DODGER knows more and he will obey his orders. CAN THIS BE MORE FUCKED UP.
(4) Tatoo say's he never sexually assulated anyone. I'm not sure of that great answer. Was he also referin to male soldiers. And got to like his answers to tatoos. My tatoos are all religious,except for the one that says MOM. Me third wife,loves them. And I'M sorry when I was asked to name my 7 children as a father and STEP-FATHER and I could not remember their names. Maybe he should do a GEORGE FORMAN. Name everyone the same and just go 1,2,3.
(5)Gotta like PAMMY DUCKWORTH,she from my state. Lost a leg, while in MILITARY. God, did she rip into the FUCKIN DEGENERATE. ...Too be continued....


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Re: TATOO BOY today.
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2025, 06:23:31 PM »
Most happy,JOHN FRANK ARMY, waited until today.
Tatoo BOY second wife has given CONGRESS reports of SEXUAL ABUSE. TATOO SCUM sayin,it never happen. SURE!. This a lyin perpetual who LIES and say'S,I BELIEVE and LOVE JESUS CHRIST. JOHN FRANK ARMY will say this again. NO FUC in my time in ARMY: NOT one person shaved their chest. Could sumone explain this FAGGOTTS obsecion.


shout out

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