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King Haku, just ignore John Frank's ignorant rants.Eventually he goes away and writes posts for himself in other categories. Serious TDS victim.
He's worth about as much as SCM Big-mouth rat with the hand always out
he’s fucking niggaa rich with the pocket full of cash…… yeah have you noticed the fucking MUTT disappeared.
thank you I was wondering, who the fuck is this guy? I think he’s insane.
Are you FUCKIN PEOPLES INSANE. The DRAFT DODGIN BLIMP FUC again is promisin the WORLD,with no guarrentee that anythin will be done. ICE ain't doin anythin that was not done previously. Only difference is,FOX likes showin some insignificant arrests. Like the guy who screamed out of SUV: I ain't goin back to HAITI. Who can blame him. The country is NUTS. And they say he arrested 17 times. JOHN FRANK ARMY been arrested 29 times in his younger years. Where they gonna deport me back to: GERMANY.
I know you are a racist.
Please, just make one comment about harness racing. Maybe you’re just not aware what this site is supposed to be about? When did the word “racist” become the only word in your vocabulary?
Feed your horses
I have made plenty of them. Look at my posts and stop defending racists. I think when you call someone an orangoutang and N word they should be called out yet only my posts bother you. Ask yourself why you never criticize the person who is a racist. PS I already know the answer.
He's still around, just not posting from his reg account I can still smell him around NY when we have a couple in to go
What a sad life you clowns must live to spend day after day coming onto an internet forum to endlessly spew about Mike Petrelli, Trump, or both.