Author Topic: Jason Bartlett  (Read 6637 times)

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2025, 07:51:12 PM »
Correct. How many drivers park/chase Bartlett at Yonkers and Aaron at Northfield?  Easy to drive horses and get a 2nd quarter breather and increase your chances of winning races!!

Like Yannick in the good old days

wisha roder

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2025, 11:59:34 AM »
The guys one of the better ones.  Usually makes the right decisions and doesn't have to win off the front.  I think that if he would have comparable horses to the down under guys he would compete very well. Nearly all top drivers get accused of driving for the gas trainers.


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2025, 02:42:28 PM »
The guys one of the better ones.  Usually makes the right decisions and doesn't have to win off the front.  I think that if he would have comparable horses to the down under guys he would compete very well. Nearly all top drivers get accused of driving for the gas trainers.

Zero chance he could compete with the top guys even if he traded stock.  He doesn't have the talent or the brain to drive with the top guys day in and day out.


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2025, 05:46:21 PM »
He's been good at the BigM this winter.  A couple really good nights.  Like to see him try it when the big guns come back.  Too much money at Yonkers though.  Maybe try it on Saturday nights.

What kind of drives would he get by driving Saturday nights only??  FYI, Engblom doesn’t count  in the drives he’d get!
Leftovers from what others didn’t take??

wisha roder

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2025, 06:46:07 PM »
Zero chance he could compete with the top guys even if he traded stock.  He doesn't have the talent or the brain to drive with the top guys day in and day out.
Over 11,000 wins and 13 driving titles at Yonkers-a track with high purses.  So...explain to me how this guy has no talent....Let me guess, you've lost money betting on him and now you've deemed him a no talent.


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2025, 06:58:50 PM »
Guy is fearless look at the drivers he's going against nightly how could he not win?


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2025, 08:06:03 PM »
Over 11,000 wins and 13 driving titles at Yonkers-a track with high purses.  So...explain to me how this guy has no talent....Let me guess, you've lost money betting on him and now you've deemed him a no talent.
Most of those driving titles was one while being first call for the best drug trainer that year.  At least half have been thrown out of Yonkers


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2025, 12:40:09 PM »
Over 11,000 wins and 13 driving titles at Yonkers-a track with high purses.  So...explain to me how this guy has no talent....Let me guess, you've lost money betting on him and now you've deemed him a no talent.

He drives 2/5 shot in 8/10 races a night for only the drug trainers.  Who ever Josh Marks tells him to drive for he does.  He had and drugged horses right along Richie Banca.  The only talent you have to have when you drive 2/5 shots for drug trainers is being able to get one off the wings and make left turn.  He drives there 10 races a night every night of the year.  When you drive that many more starts than the next guy you win on numbers alone.  No one of any talent drives there full time all yr long.  All the other top guys go grand circuit or travel in some capacity.

Grandstand Handicapper

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2025, 03:03:19 PM »
Most of those driving titles was one while being first call for the best drug trainer that year.  At least half have been thrown out of Yonkers

Most of the races he won as well? During one specific year? What about his grand circuit wins? And the limited drives at the Meadowlands? The people who say he's connected to Josh Marks, or that some poster here helps/helped manage his career and/or business, and whatever other heretic claims you might read here are nothing more than outsiders who think they are, or are trying to be, insiders.

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2025, 03:15:35 PM »
The guy wins races and makes a bunch of money every year.  He never wins any of the big ones, so he won't go down as one of the greats.  But he doesn't need to, makes a great living doing just what he's doing. 

Grandstand Handicapper

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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2025, 06:07:31 PM »
The guy wins races and makes a bunch of money every year.  He never wins any of the big ones, so he won't go down as one of the greats.  But he doesn't need to, makes a great living doing just what he's doing.

Very good point. Off the top of my head---Yonkers Trot, Dexter Cup, and the Matron---certainly not the most prestigious, but not too bad for a guy who is still on the fringe of the grand circuit.


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2025, 07:34:12 PM »
Allow me to waste a few minutes of time I'll never get back on you people. Use facts. Start with what happened the years Pena dominated at Yonkers? Who drove for him, I believe it was Georgie and Brian. Now, who won the driving titles those years? It wasn't Jason. And one year was a tie also. Now let me tell you what was happening as this went on. My "friend" at the time was so twisted over it and thinking it was the end of the fucking world he was actually considering going back to Maine, or switching elsewhere like Saratoga. I talked him off the ledge I can't remember how many times telling him whatever is going on here use your fucking brain and understand it's going to pass. Sure enough we all remember what happened to Pena. And it was that summer Jason won the Levy with PH Supercam and he was back to being top dog. At the time he had the Banca contract locked up. So what's my point. Yes when he has power and can control the race he's nearly unbeatable. Does he have ability? Yes, UNTIL the real money is down. He also has a bad habit of getting in other driver's faces when they don't drive the way HE wants. Now fast forward to I think it was Day Of Champions 2018ish. He had drives in nearly each race, including the non NYSS Finals. Long story short he drove like a fucking P driver who just got his license. After the race where he was driving Somewhere In LA and almost killed Dube backing blindly into the two hole after revving the horse up to nearly uncontrollable, after the race my phone rings. It's Jason losing it. I said you need to calm the fuck down. Go find a quiet spot in the paddock and call your Grandfather. The one person who knows him best when he's like this and he will listen. I said get your fucking head out of your ass. Stop treating these races any different than others going over the race 1000 times in your head and just fucking DRIVE. Enough is enough with this shit. And if any of you cowards have the balls, go ask him. I told him after the first night he drove at Yonkers, do your job and go home. Don't get INVOLVED, like when he partnered on horses with Banca. And not long before he asked me to bend over for his new friends I warned him what was happening. That every word he said with these crooks on the phone was recorded. He was so worried he showed up at my door at 6:30am freaking out. All I said was should the day ever come that he is approached just be honest, whatever that is. Yet he still insisted on telling me back off those scumbags. I'm was always happy for him and still am happy to see him do well. He has the numbers to maybe someday be in Goshen, however the fact is he still hasn't won a "big" race. Look at Guardian Angel in the Hambo. He had the best horse and royally fucked up. Again, overdriving and expecting to be cut loose in that kind of race. I think now he might get the job done if given the opportunity. Still hasn't even won a Breeders Crown. If he still chokes in a prestige race he can't be helped. I just never expected him to allow the scum to yank his chain. On the other hand he has over half a million reasons a year to. JMO based on facts. Oh and Gaagoots 2.0? Did you marry your free ride yet?  ngc3
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 07:36:23 PM by M P »
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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2025, 08:39:34 AM »
earned the right to pick who he wants to drive. Simply wins races


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2025, 09:48:16 AM »
watch his drive in the 5th race at The Meadowlands last night, it's been a while since I heard a race caller call the race practically over and have the horse lose


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Re: Jason Bartlett
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2025, 09:51:27 AM »
He was overconfident and didn't get after the horse until right near the finish line and got nailed. Reminds me of his call in the Hambo years ago when it looked like Greenshoe was going to win easy and his call was "Greenshoe drawing clear" but Forbidden Trade dug in and held him off. One of the most embarrassing race calls ever, especially in such a big race.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 09:55:13 AM by gh2009 »


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