Author Topic: Ontario Hay Cubes  (Read 4802 times)

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Brown jug

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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2025, 11:19:55 AM »
question for you agent q
 the twenty guys you speak of , did they get out of the business or move their horse money elsewhere and if so where


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2025, 01:24:56 PM »
question for you agent q
 the twenty guys you speak of , did they get out of the business or move their horse money elsewhere and if so where

They just sold off their remaining stock. One moved his last two to Yonkers.
Lasix 70 a start
Stall Rent 400 month
training 60 a day
blacksmith 150 per
Shipping 75-200 depending on who has your horse
75 paddock
and then it gets fun, all the while most likely racing for 12-18K purse.
take one to a vet --good luck getting out of there under 500 for a little imagining and a blood
No one in their right mind is breeding a mare anymore. All the guys that used to own or breed don't bet a single dime on Ontario tracks, maybe the odd day like Industry day or NA Cup night. You understand how much money that amounts to?
Brad Grant is a good friend of mine and he's selling everything basically. What more do you need to know? They can't increase their handle and the horse supply has plummetted to all time lows.


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2025, 01:45:08 PM »
They just sold off their remaining stock. One moved his last two to Yonkers.
Lasix 70 a start
Stall Rent 400 month
training 60 a day
blacksmith 150 per
Shipping 75-200 depending on who has your horse
75 paddock
and then it gets fun, all the while most likely racing for 12-18K purse.
take one to a vet --good luck getting out of there under 500 for a little imagining and a blood
No one in their right mind is breeding a mare anymore. All the guys that used to own or breed don't bet a single dime on Ontario tracks, maybe the odd day like Industry day or NA Cup night. You understand how much money that amounts to?
Brad Grant is a good friend of mine and he's selling everything basically. What more do you need to know? They can't increase their handle and the horse supply has plummetted to all time lows.


American dollars or Canadian dollars?

Brown jug

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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2025, 02:46:19 PM »
thanks q
 that's what i thought, as tough as Ontario is the USA is even worse,
the rates are high and the shipping and tolls are crazy, if you have a decent one racing at Yonkers  and can avoid alexander and engblom you might have a shot
also with currency rates if a Canadian can sell a horse for decent USA cash they will do it , if you get $50k USA for a horse that's $70 k Canadian ,pretty much net
very few horses in Ontario can come close to that


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2025, 03:16:50 PM »
thanks q
 that's what i thought, as tough as Ontario is the USA is even worse,
the rates are high and the shipping and tolls are crazy, if you have a decent one racing at Yonkers  and can avoid alexander and engblom you might have a shot
also with currency rates if a Canadian can sell a horse for decent USA cash they will do it , if you get $50k USA for a horse that's $70 k Canadian ,pretty much net
very few horses in Ontario can come close to that

Rumor has it that if you own with a “big name” Canadian trainer you could very well have a horse make 90k just to ‘break even’.


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2025, 04:44:43 PM »

American dollars or Canadian dollars?

they're training in canada racing for canadian money, so obviously it's 60 canadian. I was a partner of a couple that we sent up there and I can tell you first hand that unless you're racing a stakes horse, 80% of horses cannot pay their way. That's an alarming statistic yet my partner and friend informs me that they refuse to discount their rates. He has finally seen the light and will not buy another Ontario sired horse nor send one up there to race in overnights.

Stan durbread

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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2025, 09:00:13 AM »
Ontario is down to about four, soon to be two, of which none are A tracks, maybe except if you have a stakes horse in summertime. Canada is in serious trouble as opposed to us where money is pouring into more than a few states.

By my count they still have 9 tracks. And it gives you 3 levels of racing in the summer. Not just for SS but for overnight racing as well. Clinton,Hanover,Dresden and Leamington purses not as good as 10 years ago but I’ve picked up a ton of purses at them with horses that were not fast enough to even get qualified most places In the US


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2025, 11:09:59 AM »
Woodbine Mohawk Park, Flamboro Downs, Western Fair, Grand River Raceway, Kawartha Downs, Hanover, Hiawatha Horse Park, Leamington, Dresden, Rideau Carleton, Clinton Raceway, Georgian Downs

that's 12


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2025, 09:06:49 PM »
By my count they still have 9 tracks. And it gives you 3 levels of racing in the summer. Not just for SS but for overnight racing as well. Clinton,Hanover,Dresden and Leamington purses not as good as 10 years ago but I’ve picked up a ton of purses at them with horses that were not fast enough to even get qualified most places In the US

Then you raced horses that couldn't pay their way, congratulations! Racing ill bred horses for 6-8K purses is a hobby, none of them make enough to pay their way, unless you're waiving the training fee. My friend has bred hundreds and has two different trainers racing them at all those B tracks you mentioned and every month he has to top them up. And that's why when guy like him stop subsidizing the game there will be no game. And outside Paul MacKenzie's horse not a single prospect horse is even close to paying his or her way. The grassroots are a complete joke so you're down to praying you have one of three Gold horses that actually make money. And of course they are chewed after the super final and worth fuck all. Ontario is in major contraction and once Great Canadian pulls the plug you will be down to Grand River and London as the only viable places to race to justify sending a bill to an owner. If you're racing the 10th foal of a rat mare at Leamington on a sunny saturday I'm happy for you--i sincereley hope it brings you joy.


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2025, 09:51:27 AM »
If you're racing the 10th foal of a rat mare at Leamington on a sunny saturday I'm happy for you--i sincereley hope it brings you joy.

Well what if it does bring you joy? Leamington is a long way from me but I've been there and honestly it looks like fun. Sometimes a break from hard core commercial racing can make some sense.


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2025, 11:00:14 AM »
I have made a lot of money buying and racing the 10 th and beyond foals of a mare. 

Brown jug

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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2025, 11:23:45 AM »
realistically if you are racing at those B summer tracks you best be a owner /trainer
but i will admit they look like fun and those communities actually support them so that's great


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2025, 04:45:21 PM »
For the last 12/15 years I have been buying by the truck load and feeding Ontario Hay Cubies.
What do I do now?
Eat the 25% myself?
Pass the 25% on to my owners?
Buy from the race track hay jockey?
Just one more nail in the coffin. so say the hell with it, and retire?
try buying them in this country and becoming a patriot!
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2025, 05:37:56 PM »
My friend this, my friend that, blah blah blah

Stan durbread

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Re: Ontario Hay Cubes
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2025, 05:48:49 PM »
realistically if you are racing at those B summer tracks you best be a owner /trainer
but i will admit they look like fun and those communities actually support them so that's great
Or you are buying young horses out of the big barns that only want stake horses. Then selling at end of 3yr old year with 25-30k made. If I can get average 5k a month in purses I do just fine. Only way to make money in any horse business is sell at right time


shout out

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