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Any decent lawyer would already have him in a rehab center. Postponements: Rehab do the whole deal, Anger Management, Substance abuse and Gambling issues. Come out healthy and deal with the fall out. Apologize to all involved quick, and don't waste time fighting it. Trainers aren't going to not list him, get real.
I hope that fucking asshole gets the max he is entitled to. What a piece of shit. Hey Northfield and The Meadows...go fuck yourselves for supporting this ginger piece of garbage. USTA, I hope you welcome him at all your events...fuck Aaron Merriman!
I would almost guarantee the guy is still actively drinking. He needs to surrender to the fact he can no longer function the way he wants. The booze won. Get out in front of the situation. Enlist professional help. Unfortunately, he thinks the best lawyer his money can by will keep him from jail. No, only his actions of sobriety will keep him from destroying his life. I wish him all the best. The greatest challenge is not getting dry, it is staying dry and continuing to be a part of the culture he is now. I speak out of experience. I have been clean since 1991.
Cock sucker deserves everything he gets that's for sure.
Someone just posted the video - https://youtu.be/vjkJ2aCgOsY