Author Topic: Asking for a friend  (Read 25451 times)

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #105 on: February 09, 2025, 09:11:17 AM »
I don’t give a shit how much he wants to drink and how often. Just call for an Uber. Don’t kill someone on the road. That makes him a POS.


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #106 on: February 09, 2025, 11:27:29 AM »
4 DWI's say it's more than a mistake, and he needs help.

Anyone close to him, if they really cared about him would encourage him to seek help.

Bitter Truth

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #107 on: February 09, 2025, 11:28:32 AM »
As for being the 'FACE' of the USTA. Perhaps he is doing just that, fulfilling that duty with his persistent
violations. On another note, I find it truly ironic that Don Irvine's[a lengendary boozer himself] son,
Justin, could be the main beneficiary of the potential abscence of Merriman,mainly due to excess drinking. ;D


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #108 on: February 09, 2025, 11:32:00 AM »
As for being the 'FACE' of the USTA. Perhaps he is doing just that, fulfilling that duty with his persistent
violations. On another note, I find it truly ironic that Don Irvine's[a lengendary boozer himself] son,
Justin, could be the main beneficiary of the potential abscence of Merriman,mainly due to excess drinking. ;D
Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes  ;D


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #109 on: February 09, 2025, 11:40:16 AM »
In all seriousness I hope Aaron gets himself well. I hope he gets hit with a pretty harsh penalty whether it be from the authorities or the USTA. Sometimes some"tough love" is the wake up call a person needs. I have a brother who years ago constantly got into trouble and he was always getting out of it one way or another.  He had a substance abuse problem. Well one time he wasn't able to weasel out of an incident and he went to prison for 6 months.  He says to this day 10 years later that it was the best thing that could have happened to him because it was the slap in the face wake up call he needed to turn his life around. He is still sober to this day and I could not be more proud of him.

Cobalt Kenny

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #110 on: February 09, 2025, 03:02:46 PM »
In all seriousness I hope Aaron gets himself well. I hope he gets hit with a pretty harsh penalty whether it be from the authorities or the USTA. Sometimes some"tough love" is the wake up call a person needs. I have a brother who years ago constantly got into trouble and he was always getting out of it one way or another.  He had a substance abuse problem. Well one time he wasn't able to weasel out of an incident and he went to prison for 6 months.  He says to this day 10 years later that it was the best thing that could have happened to him because it was the slap in the face wake up call he needed to turn his life around. He is still sober to this day and I could not be more proud of him.
Good for him JT, anyways, you would think with 4 DWI's, nowadays, there would be jail time involved

Bitter Truth

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #111 on: February 09, 2025, 03:08:32 PM »
I dare say by now there has been mandated classes he's been required to take and pass.
Obviously he must have cheated off someone else's paper. ;D

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #112 on: February 09, 2025, 05:58:47 PM »
Good for him JT, anyways, you would think with 4 DWI's, nowadays, there would be jail time involved
4 DWI's he has that many? If true the Cadillac will be rocking party plates  ;D

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #113 on: February 09, 2025, 10:38:20 PM »
In all seriousness I hope Aaron gets himself well. I hope he gets hit with a pretty harsh penalty whether it be from the authorities or the USTA. Sometimes some"tough love" is the wake up call a person needs. I have a brother who years ago constantly got into trouble and he was always getting out of it one way or another.  He had a substance abuse problem. Well one time he wasn't able to weasel out of an incident and he went to prison for 6 months.  He says to this day 10 years later that it was the best thing that could have happened to him because it was the slap in the face wake up call he needed to turn his life around. He is still sober to this day and I could not be more proud of him.

Rock bottom. That's right, that's what he needed. Amazing recovery, and great for him. Yes, you should be proud of him! One day at a time.


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #114 on: February 09, 2025, 11:35:52 PM »
Yes, he needs to hit rock bottom.

I believe I am very well qualified to talk about this.  In the late 90's I was drinking like a fish like most Kiwis. My roommate at the time bet me I couldn't quit drinking for a month. He bet me 500.00. I won the bet, and never touched a drop. During the month I got a headache and he gave me some Vicodin. BIG MISTAKE, I loved them and got hooked on them for 2 1/2 years. Add valium and Xanax and away I went. His friend ran a pharmacy and he would bring by bottles of them. I did at a minimum 40 Vicodins a day. I ran out of them one day and my roomy was on vacation. I got withdrawals so I decided to drink whiskey instead. Bad decision, I threw up blood and said fuck this. I cold Turkey'ed the opiates and have never been so sick in my life. I lay in bed for 4 days with the clock ticking. Every movement of the second hand seemed like an hour. My head was humming add I slept like 8 hours in 4 days. Shit water for a week.

Went to AA for a few months. The turning point was admitting I was fucked.  That is the key to any addiction, if you admit you are fucked and you cannot beat it, that is he battle right there. If you think you can start up again and drink or do a few pills, NOT a chance in hell.

You don't have to keep going to AA. Some people keep going because of the people you meet as a support and that is fine. I decided I did not want to die.  I had a doctor friend who was shocked I cold turkey'd after being on so much for those 2 1/2 years. I could have had a stroke. My blood pressure was through the roof. 

Those that go to a rehab and detox is the easy way out. You need to feel pain and never forget how bad it is. That keeps you on the straight and narrow.

As far as DUI's go, I got one. I was 3 times the legal limit. I drove drunk hundreds of times, and got caught once only because I overtook a plain clothes cop car (LOL).  That was in NZ. in 1988.

In 1987 while on vacation over here, I left the Los Alamitos racetrack when Harness was running there with Lloyd Arnold. I went across the street to the bar. Got shitfaced and drove home to a motel in Cypress. Got pulled over by cops and the cops saw how drunk I was.

He said, How many drinks have you had, I responded, "You could not count the number". He then asked what the drink drive laws are in NZ and I lied and said, we get pulled over and let go all the time. To my drunken amazement, He asked where I was going, I said Cypree Lodge Motels 500 yards away, He said hop in your car, I will follow you and make sure you don't do this again.

Anyway after my DUI in NZ, I never drove drunk again.

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #115 on: February 10, 2025, 07:22:12 AM »
Can anyone confirm this is his 4th dui?  If so, he should sit in jail for six months or so.  Try getting sober that way.


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #116 on: February 10, 2025, 10:50:17 AM »
As for being the 'FACE' of the USTA. Perhaps he is doing just that, fulfilling that duty with his persistent
violations. On another note, I find it truly ironic that Don Irvine's[a lengendary boozer himself] son,
Justin, could be the main beneficiary of the potential abscence of Merriman,mainly due to excess drinking. ;D

Ya that Irvine kid has anger management and little man syndrome.  Wouldn't be surprised by a flameout for Irvine.

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #117 on: February 10, 2025, 11:01:43 AM »
Fighting his ex’s mother while in the bike to race or something similar?  Sounds super classy.  Excellent choice Jess!   tmbz1

Brown jug

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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #118 on: February 10, 2025, 12:08:25 PM »
stepping outside of harness racing for a minute
 many people have addictions and need help
however there is no excuse or sympathy for driving drunk or high, you want to destroy your body that's one thing
 the minute you put innocent people at risk while driving that is completely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated


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Re: Asking for a friend
« Reply #119 on: February 10, 2025, 12:18:16 PM »
Third offense
A minimum of 30 days in jail, a fine of $850–$2,750, and a license suspension of two to 12 years
Fourth or more offenses
A felony with a maximum of five years in prison and a license suspension of three years to life
Other penalties
Yellow license plates
Ignition interlock device
Vehicle immobilization or forfeiture
Secure continuous remote alcohol monitoring (SCRAM)
Community control (probation)
Alcohol education program costs
Increased auto insurance rates
Reinstatement requirements
Complete a treatment or rehabilitation program
Maintain six months of sobriety
Submit an Alcohol/Drug Reinstatement form to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)


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