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It's amazing what alcohol will cause a person to do. There is no way Aaron says the crap he said to the cop when he's sober. That was some brutal stuff. He called him ugly, which is pretty juvenile, but he also accused him of being a child molester ffs. I can't imagine what was going through his mind when he finally sobered up. Thank God and baby Jesus he didn't hurt or kill someone If I was his attorney he would have been in rehab the next day along with issuing heart felt apologies to everyone involved. Show the court you're willing to get help. And actually follow through on it. Take 6 months off and work on the problem. It can be done.
Still thinks he’s the victim I’m sure. I hope they suspend him from racing for a long time!
As I said earlier in this thread sometimes one has to hit rock bottom to straighten oneself up. A little time in the clink might be good for him as a wake up call. My brother was in and out of rehab multiple times before he went to prison and that was his wake up call and he has been sober for years now. Rehab only does good for people that want help, not those forced into it. I have no sympathy for drunk driving because of other people's lives are put at risk because of one's actions. I've lost 2 of my best friends to drunk driving and in this day and age there is no excuse for it. Look what just happened to Johnny Gaudreau and his brother last fall because of drunk driving. So tragic and totally preventable. I'm also of the thought that we as people should be forgiving. If he serves his time, shows remorse and cleans himself up, he should be forgivin
i could be wrong but i didnt see the charge of driving while under suspension. if thats the case they gave him a break. could of been another charge.
Go back to page 8 or around there. Officer said he was driving on a suspended license….
Absolutely. It's all part of the disease.
The only "disease" you can choose to be cured..