I don't know who is Mike and who is not. What I do know is that while Mike brings most of what he receives onto himself, this is a stereotypical case of a person who has problems. I am not insulting him, and I am not talking about financial problems or legal problems. I am talking about mental health/well-being/etc. Not only am I not insulting him, but I am also not instigating or prompting any discussion here, because there is no upside or benefit and even more important, because I have empathy for him.
Letting someone rant and rave, soapbox preach, even insult others---and doing or saying nothing about it---is not enabling. It's certainly not approval either. It's simply letting someone do what they do and the farthest you can stay away from that, the better off it is for you. Just my two cents. On that note, when someone says, a penny for your thoughts, but I will put in my two cents---where is the missing penny?!?!? LOL.