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You really are that fucking STOOOOOOPID!!!! I mean holy mother have mercy fucking shitballs stupid. No wonder you have to mooch off some old bat to survive.
First, I'm sorry he think you're me or I'm you. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Second, here's mommy. https://www.linkedin.com/in/debra-l-beilman-35b34314/ And third, do you think he has to do certain "chores" to get his weekly allowance??? and YUCK.
There's Mikey Nickles right there, Pot meet kettle? Imagine SCM telling people not to mooch, is this real life?
When you look up the definition of a deadbeat in the dictionary.Dead beat is one who possesses a guitar collection and has a pocket full of cash look out!Mike give it up the party's over you've been exposed. MCR -MC -Yonker1 and 2 -K1NG HAKU - SCM -YonkersFinest - Larry Rolla's Missing Intestine not to mention a host of other aliases you have.
You're brain dead
He's so fucking stupid he can't figure it out and keeps doubling down on his ignorance. Anyway. See how obsessed this wackjob is with me? He saw the pics of my guitars? OH NO CALL THE COPS!!!! And a pocket full of cash? And repeats both on here, are ya jealous??? I'm not even in the game anymore and this psycho can't stop thinking about me? I'm sorry he couldn't feed his horses and I had to find them homes. Be a good boy Ralphie and mommy will make another deposit into your account.
Let'JOHN FRANK ARMY tell you peoples sumthin. So's a Guy I knows at track takes a job that way over his head. He calls me and asks can I help him out. I feel soory for him and goes look at situation. IT WAY OVER HIS HEAD. This guy that owns this condo is INDIAN. My guy that asks me to help says he got to leave for a week as someone DIED in his family. Know I know him. He charged the guy not enough and took full payment up front. He only have half the job done and he has no incentive to finish as he already took all the money. So the guy goes to me: JOHN will you finish this, I don't care what you charge. I don't rip people and agreed. Now her the point. I'ss workin in this MASTER bedroom. This guy has a electrical outlet that you would only see,outside of a buildin. He got 8 computers goin at same time. I say's what the fuc is this. He goes,I'M MINING. I goes wat the FUC is that. Anyhow this me point. Me not thinks that posters at PLOP have different acess to computers to have a ZILLION screen names. Give the SHIT up with your constant NONSENCE. You belong in a FANTASY WORLD.
MCR AND MP (one of the same ) Please stop talking to yourself. It’s annoying.
How mentally retarded are you? Did you mom drop you on your head? Maybe your dad beat you?