Listen, I am not telling anyone what to do, giving advice, or anything of the like. I am just giving my observation on this BS, yes, I say BS. However, threatening people, obtaining and accessing their personal information, and anything like that----is simply inappropriate and just goes too far. Stop. Just let it go.
While bandwidth is free, it takes up time and space here on this BB. How about talking about harness racing---and not the deflection and distraction of BS.
As far as the resident punching bag, or whatever you think of Mike, I don't know him or who and what he goes by here on this BB. I only know about him because he inserts himself into countless situations and issues without being invited, without authority, and without any credibility. So be it. That's his decision. While I think he brings most of what he receives onto himself, that too is his decision and the consequences are his to deal with. So be it. However, when he preaches, soapbox grandstands, rants, raves, whatever----either you ignore it or you feed into it. That is your decision and your contribution to it. People who do this, people like this have problems. Mental, emotional, whatever. Their reality is their enemy and fantasy becomes all they have, so they live in it.
People who are stuck, unsuccessful (whatever that means to them), whatever they don't have, happiness, health, whatever----they want what they don't have. They point fingers, blame others, become jealous, envious, bitter. All of this comes out in wanting to be important, take credit, get accolades, self-importance, and so on. It's all a vicious cycle of mental and emotional un-well being, sickness. Personally, I have empathy for him. I feel sorry for him that this has consumed him.
Remember, letting someone throw tantrums, yell and scream, rant and rave, preach, grandstand, soapbox.....and doing or saying nothing about not enabling. It's also not approval or endorsement. As I said before, it's simply letting someone do what they do, and allowing them to wallow in it, and feel the consequences of their own action. The farthest you can stay away from that, the better off it is for you.
So, that said.....enough already. It's a car crash. Look, gasp, whatever. But just move on.