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I was taking a dump and noticed this scum buckets videos weren't there. That's all. He is irrelevant.
Some people are addicted to attention. Not so much attention, but what the attention gets them-----the whole self-importance, want to be heard, noticed, etc. kind of thing. Because they thrive on it, they have to feed the need. Sometimes it's reflective of mental illness. It's sad.
Imagine you live the life of SCM, now imagine ever calling down anyone, like anyone at all. In no way should be ever look down upon someone or have anything negative to say. His whole life is a bad Truman spinoff show, population of 1 we pass the collection plate for people of his ilk. You can't be down on your luck your whole life, that's just called a loser & boy his family sure say that often. I talked to Mike a couple of weeks ago, he's still going on with his conniving shit. Maybe you could brush your self off & stop with the name calling. You really have no room to speak bad of others, the shit you've put people thru.
Welcome to the world we live in!Aren’t there many other “influential” people in the world who act this way because people let them and won’t do anything about it??
Yeah listen to the guy who disrespected women on my Facebook group because they didn't agree with him, then I booted him to here we he belongs. Who's the one posting all day seeking attention? Seems like a mental problem.
Are you talking about me or someone else here?
Referring to you talking with Grandstand Goof. He used to post on my group on Facebook. But if someone disagreed with him he would snap on them. So I sent him here.
He thought he was an overnight YouTube and Dreamland sensation until they BOTH handed him his walking papers as usual.