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You can make up all you want. That's the final disposition. And what you are doing is cyber harassment btw. So what's your name???
lol you mean like the way you harassed the women who come against you? Did done say you went after them sexually? Do tell! I’m pretty sure you putting everyone’s business out there is more of a Cyber threat then someone calling you out for being the Douche bag that you are
So again, what is your name? Cyber harassment.
Right, like you know you’re the expert on posting Obscene material right?
Again, your name please? This is the definition of harassment. Plus most of the time I get a call from a paddock telling me who these cowards are here. Remember, anything untrue is harassment and defamation. Are you going to Aaron's trial???
I don't hide. Now post your real name. And see what you're doing here? While anonymous? It's called Cyber Harassment.
Let's not confuse fact and fiction---and it is completely fallacious to use lack of anonymity and confidentiality as a defense---when it's not required.If someone is making a specific claim of fact, something that commands credibility, qualification, verification, fact, etc.---that commands someone attaching their name and identity to that claim. However, if someone is giving an opinion, an observation, even saying I heard so and so say something---and they don't want to attach their name to it, so be it! It is not required. Disclosure of identity does is not relevant. If you feel it is, then simply don't believe it! But that doesn't make the opinion or observation any less true. You simply don't have to believe it.My opinion? My observation? We are witnessing a complete meltdown here. A complete mental break-down of a person---who has a record, and it's been verified as the documentation has been posted here, who may or may not be licensed to be a participant in this sport and industry, who has no formal position, elected, governing, position of authority, etc., who inserts himself in many situations, and does so, uninvited, on his own behalf, without any qualifications, credentials, etc., who rants, raves, preaches, and spews rhetoric and nonsense. Folks, we are talking about what here? A glorified groom? Who has been evicted from multiple locations? Who lives in a tack room? And people here need to disclose who they are? BS. Now, his intentions may be sound, valid, and good. I don't question that. But I absolutely say everyone needs to be concerned about his methods, and the consequences of same.Now, he can go on and tell you who I am (or who he thinks I am), that I did this, I did that, I am, I was, and so on. Here's the reality. Two people here know who I am. That's all. That's my choice. If that means something to you, simply put me on ignore, and don't read anything I say. It's not there for you to believe. It is nothing more than an opinion, an observation. It doesn't require my name attached to it. If you think it does, don't believe it. But it doesn't make what I am opining on and observing not so.
You seem to care, here you are like a fucking coward talking about me and my kids when you know jack shit. I know for sure, I'm not going to kill anyone like a raging fucking drunk behind the wheel. You really are some special kind of trash now aren't you? My guess is you shop exclusively at Dollar General.
Now back it all up with facts. You say I seem to think I know who you are? Well, it's easy to rip on someone as a coward, which you are. I'd like you to post facts, like a list of all these places I've been evicted from. Let's start there. And you seem to be pretty obsessed with me here, even when I'm not around you're posting about me. I'm not even in the game. So who's the one with mental issues? Compared to you I'm perfectly sane.
how can you be evicted when you don't pay fucking rent it's all section 8!! Gina was nice enough to ask you to leave have you decided to stay you would've been hit with an eviction notice. Mr. Quick WHAT eviction you blew out of there without paying