The Big M used to have a nice, small, mini-t-bred meet. It was cool. Even I liked it, LOL. Eventually they cut it out because it was too expensive to convert the track over for t-breds, and then quickly convert it back for the standardbreds return.
Now it is a turf racing on meet-----at night, Friday's and Saturday's (maybe a Monday night if it's a holiday or something) during September and October. This past fall I think they had 10 or so nights.
I would like to see a t-bred meet back at the Meadowlands. There is not stabling on the grounds any longer for any horses. The old barn area is like a ghost town, and pretty eerie at night, LOL. Maybe they race harness from January to August, close with the Elite meet, race t-breds in September and October, and perhaps do well enough and keep a population of horses for November. Then convert and get ready for qualifiers in December for a January opening for harness racing. Bring back the late closers too!!! Too bad the money just ain't there. LOL.