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probably still get off with a slap on the wrist.
Not if it's a multiple offense situation. Prosecutors and Judges do not have the latitude they used on multiple offenses. Sentencing guidelines have far less leniency than they used to. Same with lesser offense pleas.
Very valid point. I've been careful to say 'IF' it is his fourth offense, because no one can seem to verify that.The one thing I 'CAN' verify is on the video the officers spoke of 60+ 'OFFENCES' showing up their license check.
I thought the video showed he already had a suspended license?
He had a 12 point suspension
Is that where your license gets suspended because you accumulated 12 points? He might, and I say might, be able to get out of that one. Might be a longshot, but I've seen people successfully argue that charge. In this case, because of the big picture. I am not sure it will matter and the charge will stick. He's got a very tough fight ahead of him here...especially with a PD if that's the road he goes down.
Your NOT beating driving on a 12 point suspension. You have received letters in the mail and you been notified your license is suspended. The only way you don't know your license is not suspended is you don't open your mail. This dumbass makes 500k a year I would hope he owns his house so he gets his mail. This is a misdemeanor charge, automatic jail time. Who you know, how much money you have or who defends him is NOT beating that charge. So no I don't believe you know a soul that beat that charge ever.