Actually I'm sorry for saying I'd piss on Larry's grave. I think taking a dump on it would be more appropriate for all the people he hurt. I couldn't care less about anyone else in your "industry". Even investigators for the NJRC told me Brice thinks he's above them and still a State Trooper. He tried it with me and got it handed right back to him. Unlike you these people don't scare me. Brice is the same guy who said he broke the Finish Line story when in fact it was a phone call to me and then I contacted PETA and the NYS Troopers. Yeah, real stand up guy. So back to Larry, I hope he falls face first on his colostomy bag. 
Mike you're a class act wishing ill upon those that are need. It's no wonder your family wants nothing to do with you. You make it abundantly clear what a piece of shit you are to everyone in the industry.
Brice and his family are good class people. God bless him for being a state trooper and protecting us and putting up with all the bullshit from the scum of the Earth...people like you and worse.
So tell us what have you accomplished in your life as opposed to Brice? Name me a couple of your accomplishments loser even you're fucked up YouTube page couldn't make it.