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https://paulickreport.com/news/the-biz/where-are-they-now-five-years-on-heres-what-some-of-the-2020-federal-doping-defendants-are-up-toI guess all the talk of Surick training horses, being in the landscaping business, and whatever else was said.....must be true! He has a stand-in/double doing his prison sentence for him. LOL.
Oakes is supposed to get out in June of this year based on his sentence. I haven't heard anything concerning an early release.
Looking back on the indictments, at the time I was elated that something was finally being done about all the drug use. I was sure it would clean up the sport. What an idiot I was. I can only speak about Harness Racing and that is, it is littered with filthy abusive criminals and needs to be shut down.
In the end it will be the general public who shut it down. Last weeks NY Times story was the biggest blow by far. We all know the "industry" couldn't care less about integrity, so far 2 million to fight HISA with USTA membership revenue and no vote to approve it. Your money FOOLS. I'm sure Russell Williams and Joe Faraldo are truly worried about all of you. But now the mainstream media has the real story of how this dead industry is propped up with state welfare. And in today's day and age? Where good people with real jobs who actually contribute to society are struggling? Yeah let's continue to fund horse killers who fuck the public while first responders, the military, teachers, healthcare workers bust their asses and live week to week. BUT, you people create jobs!!! Fucking HILARIOUS. Shoveling horse shit and hitting a vein while the state funds it isn't a good look. Best of luck when the next foot drops.