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Harness Racing / Re: Record Handle at Harrah's Philly
« Last post by seen2much on Today at 10:01:19 AM »
The old Meadowlands use to open today. It was like x-mas to harness players. A good card with a big handle. They should raced today instead of earlier in the month. A decent card would have led to double or more handle...then the crappy Thursday cards they had. More tracks are closed too & that means more horses available.
Harness Racing / Re: The most legit is????
« Last post by seen2much on Today at 09:57:20 AM »
Ake, Melander, Alagna, & Culliper would be most likely. The first 3 get many well bred babies. They only need a fraction to be good to have good horses. Culliper doesn't seem to have out of the ordinary results. His main owner spends big too.
Harness Racing / Re: Attention Meadowlands Track Superintendent
« Last post by KING HAKU on Today at 09:55:04 AM »
I feel like if races are canceled after a certain time of day or at least once the card has started, the night’s purses should be equally distributed to the horses that showed up and not put back in the purse account.
that’s a great idea but that would mean those in charge actually cared about the Horsemen.
Harness Racing / Re: The most legit is????
« Last post by MOHAWK FREAK on Today at 09:52:28 AM »
virgil has an operation. he is by no means going in a stall and tubing one or giving a shot. the vets do whatever gets done. he may test the waters a lil bit. i just think he  has a good operation with lots of horses. he may win a lot of races but he has a lot of horses. and very seldom do his horses look out of their mind running out of their skin good.
Harness Racing / Re: The most legit is????
« Last post by JENNY FROM THE BLOCK on Today at 09:22:17 AM »
virgil has an operation. he is by no means going in a stall and tubing one or giving a shot. the vets do whatever gets done. he may test the waters a lil bit. i just think he  has a good operation with lots of horses. he may win a lot of races but he has a lot of horses. and very seldom do his horses look out of their mind running out of their skin good.
Harness Racing / Re: Big Dick Drivers
« Last post by MOHAWK FREAK on Today at 09:04:15 AM »
Nothing gay just conversing about huge penises… putting them in your mouth, that’sa different story..
Harness Racing / Re: Preparing the gates and fences at Freehold.
« Last post by kantseeback on Today at 08:58:36 AM »
Are you serious ? Trailer park? I thought that area was wealthy

There are trailer parks in every state.
Just go to Zillow and search prices in Monmouth County, I'm afraid your eyes might pop out.
Harness Racing / Re: Record Handle at Harrah's Philly
« Last post by gh2009 on Today at 08:44:43 AM »
It’s actually a good decision as the handle doesn’t compensate for OT pay

In my opinion there's a big difference between racing on Christmas Eve like Chester did and Christmas Day. Asking people to work and race on Christmas is a big sacrifice most people aren't willing to make.
Harness Racing / Re: Record Handle at Harrah's Philly
« Last post by Yonkers1A on Today at 08:21:53 AM »
Shows how stupid tracks are for not racing on Christmas day

It’s actually a good decision as the handle doesn’t compensate for OT pay
How can anyone make a living with these purses? If you look at what the horses make to date, they are barely covering the expenses. And if they say they "make it through the windows," that's BS. When they upgrade their stock, they may spend $6,000 on the horse and its the same trainers that have been there for years. You don't see any new young blood. It is a shame for the place years ago was a great place to race.

I respectfully disagree, if you know anyone racing at Monticello they are making money through the window.

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  • KING HAKU: Another fucking deadbeat speaks his mind!
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  • KING HAKU: I own real estate what do you own you fucking MUTT! Take care of your family deadbeat
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